Chapter Two

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After some events that Virgil would rather not dig through he was out the door with his stuff packed up. There was nothing else to do except flee the house and move in with his (poor excuse of a) boyfriend.

As he was walking towards his boyfriend's house he flinched. 'What if he didn't want him to live there?' Virgil fretted over the situation until he was in front of the door, 'welp, now or never' he thought.

"Um, babe? I, uh,  I got kicked out of my house... Are you here? If, if you are then um, can I move in? Please? Until I can move out of course" Virgil was quickly stuttering over his words and such. His mind went other places to, like if he was really transgender, if he was being stupid not checking out his GAD with a therapist, if he even had anxiety, and more at all at the same time.

Then he he stopped looking down as he saw Damien walk into the room. 'Shit, what now? Is he going to hit me? Oh fuck, it was a mistake coming here. But where else would I go? Oh for fucks sake, just focus on what's happening right now Virgil.'

"Well... If you really want to I could... Pull a few strings," Damien said sneakily. Virgil didn't like this tone. Something back was going to happen. Something really bad. HORRIBLE even.

"Um... Sure? I mean, I do need somewhere to stay. It's— it's fine if you don't want me to stay here though—" Virgil was interrupted rudely by Damien

"No homey, your pretty face will fit in just perfectly here," now this tone meant 'you are not safe' and Virgil knew that perfectly. But he'd have to stay here regardless of what he wanted.

"Come on Lily! Don't be so afraid, I'll treat you just right," to say that Virgil was scared was an understatement. He was absolutely terrified. ...And also kinda grossed out that Damien used his birth name.

Virgil wondered where this would go...

Sorry for the short chapter! I hope I get the third one out soon for you to read, bye!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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