
Ariana's Pov.

I slowly opened my eyes because of the sun which shone trough my curtains. I didn't know which morning was harder. It killed me to know that I didn't wake up next to her. Maybe she had a new girl who was better than me. Maybe the new girl treated her better.

I took my phone and saw a message from her. I was shocked as I read her text. I called Courtney to ask her how she felt.

„Hey Courtney is everything okay? How do you feel? How's the baby?" I asked as she took off. „Thanks god, everything is fine. Don't worry how bout you?" „Ehm yeah I'm kind of fine. Imma call you later. Bye" I said and hung up.

I couldn't do this anymore. I need to see her my heart hurt all day and night. I stood up and went into the bathroom. Afterwards I took my suitcase and began to pack my clothes and shoes. Yeah Imma fly to Italy. I couldn't handle it anymore to live without this woman. I booked my ticket and made me ready.


It was 8:30 pm at the moment and I was waiting at the airport for the plane. I was with Tiley, Mikey and Ricky.
„Take care of you" Mikey said and hugged me.
Then I hugged the rest and went off into the plane. The whole day I was thinking about this kiss. How could I kiss Pete? What the fuck was going on with me. I took my phone out of my bag and texted him.


Me: hey to be honest I never thought that I'll text you but I've one question
Pete: yeah baby sure ask👅
Me: don't call me baby
Me: what did you do with me? Why the fuck I can't remember what happened and why I kissed you ?
Pete: I don't know what you mean babygirl
Pete: we kissed and I mean if she hadn't come in we would have sex and that's the point
Me: did you gave me some drugs or something ?
Me: I would never touch you
Me: I could puke
Pete: 🤷🏻‍♂️😘
Me: fuck you

Yeah I was aggressive as fuck. He's the biggest asshole on this fucking world. I checked out my Instagram. I wasn't aktive for about 5 days. Then I saw this post.

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danadeville ti amo cuore mio💚🤍❤️

dilara my bestie 🥺
danadeville @dilara 🛁
nickiminaj sei così bella😍
danadeville grazie 💗🔙

She was so beautiful I couldn't stop watching her.
My flight lasted 7 hours. I put my phone away and slept a little bit.

Dana's Pov.

I was sitting in the dining room and ate with my grandparents our breakfast. When my Nonno went to work my Nonna sat next to me.
„What are you going to do bambino?" she asked as I looked confused.
„What do you mean?" I questioned and ate my olives.
„With your girlfriend." Nonna answered and I swiller the whole olive.
„W-we aren't a couple anymore. She isn't my girlfriend." I stuttered and took a sip of my coffee.
„You love her. I know you Dana and you never loved somebody else like her. I know you are injured and you don't trust her anymore but she loves you too. I know that I saw your posts."
„You have Instagram?" I asked and smiled.
„Of corse I have" she answered.
„Talk with her. Don't be quit. I think she is hurt like you. You need her and you love her." as she said that she stood up and took my plate into the sink.
I mean she was right kind of. I took my phone and texted her.


Me: Hey at first, I'm at my grandmothers place so don't worry I'm not with another girl. I spoke a few minutes ago with my Nonna and kinda she's right. We need to talk. Tomorrow Imma buy a ticket to L.A.
Ariana: I bought a ticket to Italy... I need to see u
Me: okay when are you gonna land? I'll pick u up
Ariana: No I'll go to a hotel
Me: okay if you want to
Me: do whatever you want
Ariana: I'm so sorry...i need to see you two but I can't look into your eyes..
Ariana: I did so stupid things I could kill myself believe me
Me: it's okay you know what? Tomorrow we can go to Burger King okay ? We'll talk like adult people
Ariana: I love you..

Yeah I would love it to say ‚i love you too' back. But I couldn't. This was an overcoming but we need to make clarity.


Ariana's Pov.

I landed an hour ago and now it was 10:33 pm and I was in my hotel room. I was really beautiful but not without the woman I loved. I need her so fucking much but how am I telling her these things. I didn't know why I couldn't remember so I decided to text Pete a second time.


Me: please tell me what you did with me the night I kissed you
Me: I will never come back to you again so please tell me
Me: I want to save my relationship
Me: I love her!!!
Pete: babe okay relax
Me: don't call me like that
Pete: okay then relax just relax
Me: tell me what did you do
Pete: why should I ?
Me: listen to me
Me: I can't imagine a life without Dana
Me: I would die for her I need her
Me: I just want her back !!!!!!
Pete: Ariana I didn't do anything
Me: Stop lying
Me: I beg you tell me what did you do
Pete: relax okay
Pete: You drank your tee and I put in some tablets
Me: your the biggest asshole
Pete: but I love you I couldn't be without you
Me: you ruined my life
Me: I lost the love of my life Pete!!!!
Me: I'm gonna beat your ass I promise !!!!!!!!
Me: Fuck you

I threw my phone onto the couch and started to crying. I couldn't imagine a life without her. Maybe she didn't love me anymore. I need to see her now. I couldn't handle this anymore. I had headache, I could drink just everyday this fucking alcohol to forget everything around me. I need my girl back.
As I wiped out the tears of my face I stood up and took my bag.


Me: where do u wanna meet
Me: I can't wait till tomorrow
my🌎: in a Bk? Imma send you the address
Me: see u

I went out and started the rented Porsche. I heard my phone vibrating and saw the address from the Burger King.


I parked my car and waited in the front of the Burger King. How am I gonna explain what happened. I can't just live without her I can't even one day. I kissed another guy. Is she gonna forgive me? Did she still love me? As I looked down on the street I got a message.


mum❤️: Hey sweetheart, I heard what happened be honest with her she's a woman with a big heart
mum❤️: fight for her, true love never dies
Me: I love you

A tear dropped down of my face. I was so in love that I'd risk my life for this woman.

„How could I do something like that" I said to myself and put my hands on my face.
„I don't know." I immediately recognized her voice and looked up. I saw her beautiful eyes in front of me.


„Dana I-„

{A/N: I know I didn't like this chapter but I haven't got any ideas. The next part is gonna be better.✌🏼}

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