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tw: explicit language.

sunday went by too fast, as weekends usually do, and the following week was always quick.

yamaguchi's grades didn't show any sign of letting up, but he was started talking smaller walks anyway. his parents were able to breathe now that yamaguchi was getting more sleep, comfortable with how their son was performed as he excitedly showed his parents his weekly grades.

practice at karasuno was running smoothly. coach ukai had locked out any visitors who weren't there to help the team out, allowing the team concentrate on training for the nationals. everyone was working on everything, trying to round out their skills but also practicing in their special expertise.

terushima and yamaguchi tried to meet at least two times during the school week at shimada mart. even though terushima's season was already done for and practice wasn't mandatory until after nationals, he still came by to practice with yamaguchi. the two practiced spikes and serves together, talking about school while meeting. tsukishima joined them once, but he decided not to intrude again because, well, he understood.

if they weren't able to meet, they still regularly called or even video called to see to each other, taking any chances they had to talk.

as for the boy in yellow, he was quite busy with getting everything for friday night's party in order. the baseball teams are miyagi were having a large party at someone's house the same night, and rumor was that they were going to crash the gym party, so he was preoccupied with finding the johzenji baseball captain to squash that idea.

"take one step into my gym and i'll beat your ass."

"you're like, too short for me to talk to. grow some legs and then come talk shit to me."

as expected, the rumor only became fact, and terushima was lowkey freaking out.

"i really don't know what to do, freckles. he picked on me only cause i'm a few inches shorter and then he said some shit about 'i'll bring the bats too' and their hits are really powerful and the party's gonna be a mess because of mee.."

"i'm sure it'll be fine, teru. we have some pretty scary guys on volleyball too, so it's not going to be an unfair fight, knock on wood," yamaguchi chuckles, flipping through his chemistry textbook. his phone was on speaker, resting on his desk as the johzenji captain ranted.

"yeah, but what if some of the bigger guys don't show? i'm not even that short and i can still put up a fight. but some guys are like, even shorter than me! oh my god, if they bring the bats, my coach is going to have my head! my life will be over!"

yamaguchi shakes his head at the dramatic voice, licking his finger to continue turning. "i'm sure it'll all be fine, teru. besides, he's probably just bluffing. i wouldn't be surprised if all those baseball geeks are too drunk to even find their way to the gym," he laughs.

terushima laughs loudly, joining in, and yamaguchi smiles to himself as he finds the page. "yeah, you're probably right," the older boy said before yawning loudly into his phone.

"you should sleep, teru, it is kinda late."

"it's only ten!"

"your bedtime is at ten thirty. go get ready for bed, dummy."

"mm, fine, only because you said so. night, freckles!"

"goodnight, teru."

the other hangs up, yamaguchi's phone returning to their messages. it was mostly a lot of caps and emojis from terushima, and smaller messages from yamaguchi.

the boy in yellow • teruyamaWhere stories live. Discover now