| Chapter 1 |

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I am officially SICK of Travis Stoll. It's been over five years since I've met him, and from the moment I met him, I knew he was a troublemaker. 

And it's not just because he's a son of Hermes, it's because he has that mischievous grin that is both cute and annoying, and his eyes are always sparkling, which tells you he has something planned. 

He only steals from the camp store, and pranks everyone else. 

But the one person he pranks the most? Me. He switches out my bleach I've talked about this to my cabinmates, the Aphrodite kids, everyone. They all laugh and say "Oh he probably likes you!" and I roll my eyes and leave. And sometimes, just maybe, I blush.  

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate him. I don't love him either. But sometimes when he comes back from a fight or a quest, I can't help but feel bad for him, since he's almost always covered in cuts and bruises. But two days out of the infirmary, I notice three missing camp shirts.  So it gets annoying. 

So I decided to devise a plan. I'm going to sabotage that brat's next prank. I overheard from one of the Hermes kids that he was planning to get me to the strawberry fields and then catch me in a net, so I decided to play along, and at the last minute catch him in a vine. 

_____time skip to the next day_____

"Heyyyy! Katie-Kat!" I blush and turn around. Stop blushing, Katie. 

I put on a glare. "What do you want, Travis?" 

"Nothing!" He puts on his mischievous little grin. "It's just that the strawberries are kind of dying, I thought you could help out." 

"And why should I believe you?" 

He shrugs. "You can leave the strawberries to die if you want, I don't care." He walks off, and I follow him.  

"Fine." I try not to stare at him as we walk to the fields. 

He ushers me over to one certain spot. "Here, stand here, do you see the dying strawberries?" Just then, I conjure a vine to come up and catch Travis, and accidentally step in the spot he told me to, and get caught in a net. 

"TRAVIS STOLL!" I scream at him. 

"KATIE GARDNER!" He screams back at me. He's writhing in the vine, trying to escape. I can't get out, because apparently Travis made it that tight. And Travis can't get out, since I kind of made it tight, and I don't want to let him go. 

____three hours later_____

"Okay, Katie-Kat. We've been stuck here for a long time. Can you PLEASE let me go?" He begs. I shake my head. 

"No, because you're just gonna go and leave me." 

"Fine. Then use your vine powers and cut through the net you're in." 

I shake my head. "I tried that. It's too tight, so it's gonna cut me." 

"What if I swore on the river Styx that I'd help you then go?" 

"Still don't trust you." Suddenly, I have an idea. "You know what? I'm gonna make a vine appear in the middle of the dining hall and try to make flowers grow along it so people will find us. But it might take a while." 

"Fine." He crosses his arms. 

I make the vine appear, and start blossoming flowers to where we are now. In the meantime, Travis and I start talking. About life, our cabins, et cetera. 

It's weird talking about my personal life with him, but I guess it kind of brings us closer. This is the first time I've ever talked to Travis about something other than a camper being injured, or telling him to stop pranking me. 

Eventually Annabeth finds us tied up, and rolls her eyes. 

"Really, you two?" We grin sheepishly. "Okay, hold on. Before I let you go--" She pulls out her monster-proof phone and takes a picture of us. "--I needed proof." 

"What proof?" Travis asks. 

Annabeth grins. "Proof that we're not wrong to be shipping you guys." 

"WHAT?!" We both scream, blushing bright red. 

"Wait since, when?" I ask. 

"A while ago. Now I'm gonna cut you free, Katie, then you have to let Travis go." Annabeth starts cutting at my net. 

After a few minutes, I'm free, and I let Travis go. We run back to the dining hall, and avoid everyone oohing at us. 

I sit down, and my cabinmates start asking questions. "So what even happened?" Miranda asks me. 

I take a bite of my food. "Travis tricked me into getting caught in a net, so I caught him with a vine." 

"For three hours." 

"Yup." I glance over at Travis, who's cabinmates are looking over at me. I blush and turn back around. 

"So are you two..." Julia asks. 

"NO!" I say, still blushing. 

"Come on, Katie. We all know you like him." 

"I. Don't. Like. Him." 

"Then why are you blushing?" Miranda wiggles her eyebrows at me. 

I glare at them. "Well, because apparently Annabeth told me that you guys ship me with him."

"Well, yeah. You guys fight like an old married couple." The younger kids snicker. I glare at them, and they continue eating. 

"What? I-" I stop myself, and decide to ignore them. 

"SHE DIDN'T DENY IT!" Everyone at my table whoops and high-fives each other. I roll my eyes, and excuse myself to our cabin. 

I sit in my bunk, and pull out my scrapbook. 

The scrapbook that Travis gave me once as a truce gift. As you can clearly see, the truce lasted for only a little while. 

I look through the pictures, and suddenly look closer at one of them. How did I not notice that? 

In the background of a picture of me holding a rose, is Travis pretending to make it look like he's giving it to me. I blush, and realize that it's not because he hates me that he's annoying me. 

It's because he's trying to get me to notice him. 

Just thinking that makes me smile. 

1011 words! What do you guys think so far? I think it's pretty good, considering that sometimes some of my writing is crappy. I'll see you guys tomorrow! Love y'all! 


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