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Dearest Hyung, Changbin,

I am resting here on my deathbed, speaking out my last, sorrowful words as a man I deeply tr

Minho! Are you actually writing what I'm saying? Let me see that. Minho! You smart-ass. Stop writing this! Can't you get a new sheet of paper? Ugh, you're impossible.

Um, so, hi, Binnie. You can't spell Binnie? How stupid are you, Minho? Then write Changbin, if you can't spell it. No, argh! Stop messing with me.

Anyway, Changbin (he emphasized the 'ang' btw -Minho), I'm sick right now. I can't really write so Minho is just writing down what I say. Hopefully &; he pUNctu@tes [this] correctly. Minho! Stop smiling. What are you doing? Why can't Jaehyun write this for me (he groaned really obnoxiously haha -Minho)?

Minho has the bunk above mine and he's honestly the most wonderful person I could ever hope to meet. Stop laughing! What did you write?

No! He's not wonderful; he's absolutely gorgeous. I'm surprised that the sickness is what made me faint and not his face. No! Not gorgeous, why did you write that! Changbin will know what I mean, anyway. Minho, stop twisting my words.

No! Why would you crumple the paper!? It's not worth the pun.

He's going to be so concerned, Min. (his expression after he realized he called me Min was hilarious -Minho) Ho! Minho, not Min. Argh. Can you cross that out? What do you mean, "No"? Sighhhhhhhhhhhh.

Okay, so. Changbin, I'm sick. Like, I have a fever and stuff. Jaehyun is the camp nurse doctor caregiver guy or whatever they're called. Minho is one of my new frie- acquaintances here. I may as well just tell you about everyone here.

First there's Minho, who you can probably guess the amazing personality of by all the words in this letter that you know I wouldn't write. His aunt is the camp director.

Then there's Hyunjin, who is just a few months older than I am. Oh, by the way, we all like boys. Among other people. I've managed to find other gays, Changbin! (he looks so happy wtf -Minho) Hyunjin is tall, handsome, and fashionable. I'm totally not complimenting him to make Minho jealous. Wait, Minho, you're writing this down, right? Okay, this is going to be weirder than I first expected.

Seungmin is the fourth and final person in our bunk. He knows Hyunjin from somewhere else and switched into our cabin since we had an empty spot. He's only eight days younger than me! Than I? It's 'than I.' Oof.

Then, I also met this guy with cool hair yesterday when we were fishing. His name is Felix! He's in bunk 128, the one right next to ours. I don't know who's on the other side. And I don't know how old Felix is, but he seems like he's around my age.

What else?

Oh, talking hurts, so I should stop. Just, like, tell him that I'm still writing and coming up with ideas, but I miss him and Sir 97. And that I think Seungmin is onto me. He'll know what I mean.

Okay, bye, Changbin! Miss you lots, mwah!

With a headache and a fever,

PS (from Minho): not only is Seungmin "onto" him, but I'm also getting curious. also your friend is cute UwU the way he sleeps is adorable but you didn't hear it from me. I'm not letting Jisung see this part of the letter!!

ONE HELL OF A SUMMER :: minsung ✔︎Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang