𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 | 𝐧𝐨 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐨, 𝐛𝐫𝐨

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"Closer... closer... closer..." Hyunjin whispers as Seungmin looks at me with wide eyes.

Seungmin's head whips between Hyunjin and me, watching in horror. "You've done this before?"

Hyunjin shushes him and points to me once more. Seungmin shuts up.

If I thought that turning Minho's alarm clock off would be easier the second time, I was wrong. I reach over him, on edge, as Hyunjin waits below me with his arms ready to catch me. Hopefully I'm not flung off the side again.

Minho groans in his sleep and turns over, putting his arm around my waist.

"Poop," I curse. "Poopy poop poop."

"I'm not that young, Jisung," Seungmin tells me. "No need to refrain from cursing."

I happily oblige. "Shit. Minho just started—ah, that tickled—started hugging me." I try to stifle my laughter as his fingers tighten. Why is he holding on so tightly? It's not like I can leave or anything; the only way off at this point is if he throws me again.

Meanwhile, that darned clock is still screeching. Yay. I manage to work my left arm around Minho's head, probably damning the future of my elbow joint in the process. This is painful, man. Like, this hurts. "Shit."

Minho wraps a leg around me, keeping me in place on his bed. I finally manage to turn his clock off, though, so that's good. But now I need to get down.

Minho mumbles something incoherent. "What?" I ask aloud, like the idiot I am. He can't hear me since he's sleeping. "Hyunjin, help me get down," I say to the other idiot.

The only not-idiot in our bunk, Seungmin, has the brains to ask why before also barging up onto Minho's bed. By the time his question is over, though, it's like a mid-morning slumber party up here. This is ridiculous. Hyunjin yelps in surprise when Minho snatches his arm, trapping him up here with us.

"What's going on up there?" Seungmin wonders. Hyunjin only groans in response, wincing as my elbow gets too close to his internal organs. Who knew his skin was so malleable?

Ew, ew, ew, Jisung, why did you phrase it that way?

Suddenly, Minho's eyes fly open. They widen in horror when he sees my face fewer than three inches away from his. Not my fault.

Hyunjin notices the fact that I've become still and stops moving as well. Seungmin starts jumping up and down, trying to get a better look at the happenings of Minho's top bunk.

Minho's breath is warm on my face. Or maybe that's just because I'm blushing. "No homo, bro," he says before yeeting Hyunjin and me off his bed. I land on Seungmin's legs with a solid thumping sound. Hyunjin's nails graze my neck, probably leaving scratch marks, while Minho calmly hops off the side to join us on the floor. He, unlike the rest of us, is upright. "Stop trying to get into my bed."

"I wasn't," I fire back. "Your alarm clock wouldn't shut the hell up, so I decided to shut it the hell up."

"Hell is down."

"I swear to all that is good in this world, if you say one more smart thing—"

"Are you calling me smart?"

"—I will rip your throat out." It takes a second for his question to register. Meanwhile, Seungmin, Hyunjin and I are all standing. "I'm not calling you dumb, if that's what you're asking. Just very cynical."

"Are you going to rip my throat out now?" he asks, smiling. He's teasing me. That was the bait. Do I rise to it? Hell yeah; my fishing lessons start tomorrow. I can survive another day of rising to bait. "I have a choking kink."

Ironically, I nearly choke. "What?"

Hyunjin stifles a laugh, pulling Seungmin back to watch.

"You heard me."

"Lee Minho," I warn, "I dare you to flirt with me. I dare you."

He yawns, uninterested. "Not my type."

"Do Gugudan some justice!" Seungmin snaps. Hyunjin shuts him up.

"Why? Are you not into literal perfect human beings?" I ask, gesturing to myself. I mean, really. Who wouldn't like me? I'm a sexy beast.

Minho smiles, taking a step closer. He's taller than me. Shit. "Do you want me to be into you?"

Screw this. I don't need some teen romance taking over my life. "I came here for summer camp. That hasn't changed."

"Just because we're going to live together for a while doesn't imply that we're going to—"

"Aaaaaaaand, we're done here," Hyunjin interrupts. I huff, looking at Minho. Glaring. He smirks right back at me.

And, as much as I hate to admit it, my heart flutters a bit. Just a tiny, little, practically insignificant bit.

Because Lee Minho is almost as much of a sexy beast as I am.

ONE HELL OF A SUMMER :: minsung ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now