What's Best For Simon

Start from the beginning

Si shakes his head with a cryptic smile on his face.

"So that's what we doing, Twin?" Simon spits out bitterly, "We lying to each other now?" 

I turn away from him, walking into the kitchen. I perch myself on one of the counter tops and Simon follows behind me like I knew he would.

"That lying shit ain't ever been us, Candy," He says.

I laugh.

"Really? Cause I seem to remember me lying to Ace almost always and you lying to Mama constantly," I say.

"But did I ever lie to you? I never went behind yo back and made some weak ass deal with Ace, acting like it was in yo best interest."

"Me either! Caesar isn't Ace."

"Close enough," He says.

We stare at each other. We're on two opposite sides of a carefully drawn line. I usually keep my shit, my secrets and all my fuck ups on my side and Simon keeps his over there. We stand close enough to let each other see, but never comfortable enough to cross that line. I didn't intentionally do it this time, it just so happens that some shit spilled over while trying to look out for him.

Just like some shit spilled over onto my side when Ace was looking out for me.

I can't explain that to Simon right now 'cause he's never had to look out for someone other than himself. I'm content being the bad guy right now if it means keeping my brother safe.

The screen door opens in the distance. I hear footsteps sounding towards us. I can't see who it is from where I'm sitting, but Simon turns his head in that direction. I'm more than surprised when I see Cam's light-toned hand dap up Simon, then embrace him in a manly hug. As if they've known each other for awhile.

My eyebrows furrow together. Am I really seeing Simon act buddy-buddy with one of Ace's men? But not just any man. Ace's right hand man, or at least he was, before Caesar came in the picture.

Cam walks further into the kitchen and sees me sitting near the stove.

"Oh, wassam, Candyce. I ain't even see you there," He says.

His voice comes out a little wheezy and it's probably due to the gauze tapped across his nose. There's a purplish bruise under his right eye too. Caesar really did damage that night at the club.

"How you feel?" I ask, patting the tip of my nose.

His hand instinctively goes to his nose. He touches it slightly, wincing as he pulls his hand back.

"I'm good. The Doc put a splint in it. If ion have no major incidents, I should be alright," He says.

"Good. We need your pretty face to close those business deals right?" I ask.

Cam smirks at me. Simon rolls his eyes.

"We can talk back here," Si says, directing Cam to the hallway leading to the bathroom.

I hop down from the counter, assuming Si and I's conversation is done for now. I walk back to the front of the house, bypassing the girls hard at work in the cook shop. Their gaze is intense as they cook everything down on hot plates. As hard as they're working, there's just not enough of them to keep up the supply and demand from the customers outside. There should be more girls working to keep up production.

Another problem Calvin ain't equipped to handle.

I walk past them and push the screen door open. Soon as Curry sees me, he turns around and shakes his head.

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