Ch. 1 - Last Day Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

She walks silently along the side of the house towards the nearest trees. After just a few steps in, she's hidden from anyone at the houses. She whistles, calling something.

She jumps a bit when she hears wings flapping behind her. She turns around to see a large black bird perched on a tree branch. A raven.

"Hey, Ray," she whispers, placing her backpack next to a tree and sitting next to another. The bird, Ray, flies down to the forest floor, hopping towards her and letting out a low croaking sound.

She holds out her arm, which he perches on. He doesn't dig his talons into her, knowing she isn't a threat. She isn't scared of him, either. One day when she was little, he hopped over to her after she had just gotten beaten up by bullies. She named him and he comforted her. He disappeared for a few years and showed up again about a month after her mother's death. She's seen him nearly every day since.

She grabs a plastic bag from her backpack that she put in there the night before. It was a few leftovers from the meatloaf she had made and managed to sneak while cleaning—not for herself, but for Ray. She opens the bag and holds the food in her hand, letting him softly take the food from her and eat it.

After that process, she stands up and brushes off her jeans.

"I have to go now, Ray. I'll see you later," she whispers, petting his head softly before heading back to the drive. He flies away into the forest.

She doesn't have a car. She was never taught how to drive, never got a license, never got her own car, and was never given permission to drive. She either walks places or has Naomi take her.

She had planned this morning out with Naomi beforehand, though she usually takes her to school anyways. She walks down the drive to the main road where Naomi is leaning against her car. She gives her a smile.

"Hey, Rayna," she greets. Naomi is a few inches taller than Rayna, being 5'8 and Rayna 5'5. She has shoulder length ginger hair, olive skin, and light green eyes.

Rayna gives her a smile, and they do their handshake. "What's up, Naomi?"

"Not much. Just excited. You?"

"Eh, more nervous."

"Understandable. Let's go?"

"Yeah, let's go."

Naomi slips into the drivers seat and Rayna walks around to the passenger side. She opens the door, throws her backpack onto the floorboard, and slips in. They buckle and Naomi starts driving down the road.

The catch about this friendship is that Rayna is a werewolf and Naomi is human. There's only a few laws in the supernatural world regarding humans, some varying from species to species, but there is one that is the most enforced.

Under no circumstances, unless justified by the Alpha King himself, shall a human know about werewolves.

If it is found out that a werewolf has let a human live with the knowledge of the existence of supernatural, without the approval of the Alpha King, it is up to that werewolf's Alpha to decide if that human and/or werewolf live or not.

Rayna has no doubt that it would be the end of her and her best friend.

Rayna had to tell her, though. They've been best friends since they were six years old. She managed to keep the biggest secret of her life for eight years until her mother passed. Her life was so fucked up, and she desperately needed someone. Naomi has kept her word and didn't hold it against Rayna for keeping the secret. She's all she has and the only reason she isn't dead.

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