"Show off," you shook your head.

"I know you were staring," he smiled, running his hands through his hair so that it was no longer sticking up. "And I know you enjoyed it."

You made a show of rolling your eyes as you sank lower beneath the comforter.

"Where are you going?"

"I was going to head down to the studio and try to get some more music written."

"No," you pouted. "Stay here with me."

"You know, I put a couch in my studio for a reason."

"I know, but it's not the same. I can't cuddle with you in the studio."

"I'd love to stay, but I have work to do."

"Wait." You got up on your knees and made your way towards the end of the bed, reaching your hands out. Once you had Tyler's fingers laced between yours, you pulled him closer until your chests were nearly pressed together. "Just hear me out."

"I'm listening," he said, pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose.

"I know you have work to do, but you worked really hard last night and got so much done. I don't think it would be a big deal if you were to, say, stay in bed and watch movies while cuddling with your spouse for the rest of the day," you said, giving him your best smile. "Then you'll be all rested to do even more work tomorrow."

Tyler pressed his lips together and sighed. You continued to smile, hoping it would help win him over.

"Alright, you got me. I'll stay up here with you."

"Yes," you cheered, falling back against the bed. Tyler did the same, landing with a thud on the mattress next to you.

"What movie do you want to watch?" he asked, pulling you closer and peppering kisses on your cheek.

"You can pick?"

"Are you sure?"

"It's only fair since I'm making you stay up here," you smiled.


He gave you one more kiss before getting up to grab the remote from the nightstand. While he did that, you grabbed a few extra blankets that you kept under the bed so that you two could be as comfortable as possible. The rain had picked up outside, sending streams of water along the window panes.

It took some time for you and Tyler to get comfortable, but you eventually found a way to cuddle that worked for both of you. Tyler started to play the movie and adjusted the volume so that it was loud enough to hear over the rain but not so loud that it would disturb one of you if you fell asleep. Between the rain outside and the comfort of being next to Tyler, you thought that might be the direction you were heading in.

Somehow, you were still awake when you got to the halfway point in the movie. Though you couldn't see his face, you knew Tyler was awake because his hand was still moving steadily up and down your arm. Your other arm was starting to fall asleep, so you shifted to a position that was more comfortable.

"You ok?" Tyler asked, giving you a little more wiggle room.

"Yeah, my arm was just falling asleep."

"Is it better?"


Tyler nodded and you figured that was the end of your conversation. You leaned up against him again and directed your attention back to what was happening in the movie.

"Thanks for having me do this," Tyler said quietly. "This is really nice."

"I feel like I should be the one thanking you for agreeing to do this."

Tyler turned so that you could see one another's faces.

"I don't know what I would do without you."

"Are you getting all soft on me?" you smiled, reaching out to rub your thumb along Tyler's cheek.

He leaned forward and pressed his forehead against yours.

"Always," he grinned. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

He kissed you. You thought it was just going to be a peck at first but then he cupped a hand around your cheek and pulled you closer. His other hand went to your hip, shifting you so that you were now straddling his lap. It didn't take long for his kisses to get more adventurous, moving from your lips to your jaw and neck.

"Aren't we supposed to be watching the movie?" you asked, though it was more of a joke than a serious question.

"We can finish the movie later," he smiled between kisses. "There's something I'd rather be doing."

"Don't you mean someone?" you laughed.

Tyler answered by kissing your lips again. His hands started to move lower down your sides. You let out a small gasp as one slipped beneath your shirt; the cold of his hand was a stark contrast to the warmth of your stomach. He laughed and deepened the kiss.

There were definitely worse ways to spend a rainy day.

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