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      "Sizhui! SiZhui! SiZhui"

      The disciple burst into the room of his buddy, apparently in no way disturbing him while the latter was practicing on his guqin. Soft music rose in the cabin as his fingers glided gracefully along the strings.

      "You break the laws JingYi, how often should you be punished so that you understand?

      -Who cares! Hurry up SiZhui, they back home!"

      The main courtyard resounded with euphoria. An ever-growing troop of young men surrounded an atypical couple, tirelessly chanting "Hanguang-Jun!" Hanguang-Jun "JingYi and SiZhui watched them for a moment before resolutely clapping their hands, drawing everyone's attention.

      "Running inside Gusu Lan is prohibited. Shouting and making noise is prohibited. Entering the personal space of others is prohibited. Do you really want to be there when our clan leader arrives?"

      All the disciples looked at each other in panic before greeting their elders respectfully and fleeing as quickly as the laws of their clan allowed them.

      Once the main courtyard was empty, SiZhui threw himself into the arms of the man dressed in all black, who greeted him with a big smile.

      " I missed you ! How long do you plan to stay this time?

      -A little time ... replied the man, glancing at his partner. And if we were to meet elsewhere? "

      SiZhui was busy making tea, happy to find the men who had raised him, while the latter were settling around a table. One upright and proud, resplendent in his white dress, the other slumped in a posture more than relaxed, playing with one hand with a jar of alcohol and the other supporting his head. Drinking alcohol was also prohibited, but in this house, far from the harsh look of the head of the Lan clan, he could well afford it.

      "Gusu Lan looks empty when you're not around," said the youngest, serving tea.

      -We have no plans to leave as quickly this time. You will have us in your feet a little while teased WuXian by stroking his hair.

      - So much the better.

      -What have you learned recently?

     -Jingyi went to town. Rumors continue to spread, from the cultivation world to the depths of the most remote village. Wei WuXian would have saved us all from the Wen clan. ZhuLiu allegedly snatched his golden core from him so he fought to save the innocents oppressed from the Wen clan. And WenNing only killed Jin ZiChen because he was manipulated. If we add these to the truths revealed about Jin GuangYao and SuShe the whole story is almost restored. And as usual, no one is able to give its source. It's like the whole truth comes out of nowhere.

      -Not out of nowhere ...


      -Anyway ! WuXian exclaimed, stretching. It's not worse! that could make our job easier in the future."

      A long silence ensued, punctuated only by the noise of the cups. Wei WuXian never took his eyes off the man he now considered as his son. Part of his past, his present, his future. Part of him. A family assembled by ties stronger than those of blood, the heart. Since their return, he saw the troubled look of his protege. But if SiZhui was an adult now, he could no longer put himself up to him, ask him what tormented him and hope that everything would work out with a hug and candies. Those days were over, if he wanted to know, he would have to wait for the young man to come and talk to him about himself. And if not, accept his silence. God it was hard to watch them grow up, although Wei WuXian had missed most of SiZhui's life. It would remain one of his biggest regrets, missed his growth and that of another young man with the character of pig that he longed to see again.

The untamed: secong book (eng)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant