2 Ending or a Beginning

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"What went into him?" Punzie asked and then I heard Hiro speaking quietly when I was still getting instructions through the radio. "It's where he was studying. There's that one professor who was his mentor," Hiro whispered.

I glance at Tadashi after the radio call. He seems upset so I climb to back where other's are sitting. "You okay?" I asked and placed my hand on his shoulder. "I guess," he said and gave me a faint smile.

"Almost there!" Merida shouted and we all started to get our coats fully on. When the truck stopped we saw the flames. There were many other units arriving too. The fire was really extreme.

We started to get our gears including helmets and gas masks from the sides of the truck. I put on my white chief helmet and then I placed the mask on my face after I had put the oxygen bottle on my back.

Then I see how another fire station's members run to us. Tadashi just finished putting on his gear and Merida is rolling out the hose with Hiccup and going towards the fire post which Punzie is opening with Hiro.

"Stop! It's too extreme for anyone to go inside!" The fire fighter yells to us and I glance at Tadashi. Then I took off my helmet and my mask. "What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Our team just barely got out, it's too much heat and it's spreading like crazy!" He sounded exhausted. "You got everyone out?" I asked.

"Not everyone, there's still some people trapped on the second floor. We didn't have time to reach them," they sighed and look down like beaten dogs.

"Okay," I said and look at the fire. They left and I exhaled deeply before turning myself towards Tadashi. I placed my hands on his shoulder's," Listen. Get a mattress below that window, it's the safest place to get people out. There's not so much flames. I'll go and find them, bring them out from there."

Then I placed my helmet quickly back on and I start to run towards the burning university. I pull my coat's collar up after putting mask back on. The heat of the flames is making me sweat, the noise of cracking concrete that's expanding because of the intense heat of the flame is making my ears ache.

I was about to reach to my axe that was tied on my waist when I notice something passing me. It's Tadashi and he goes in front of me, stopping me.

"No way Frost!" He shouted when he lifted the mask off. "Get out of my way," I ordered him when I lifted my mask up a bit. "I'll go, it's my mentor who's responsible of second floor during fire. Don't follow," he said and before I could react he runs towards me.

I feel how his fist hits on my cheek and I fell to ground. I was stunned after the hit. When I got up I see him going inside the building. The flame is licking on the top of the doorway that he used.

"Shizz," I whispered and then I see how Punzie and Hiro come to me. They helped me up. "I couldn't stop him! I tried when I saw him coming here! H-he just said that he can't stand you doing all the heroism and especially not now since it's his mentor," Hiro sounded afraid.

I patted his shoulder. "He will be fine. He is the best fire fighter that I know," I tried to reassure him. However I knew perfectly well how things were, I was ready to run inside when I knew that it was a high possibility that I won't return.

I stood up and then I started walking towards the truck again. "Now let's get the mattress there," I pointed the window again while shouting. "He will soon get the people out--," I said but then I was interrupted. Interrupted by a huge explosion.

My heart skipped a beat and my eyes flash open. When I turned around I see the building experiencing explosions, one after another. My jaw hangs open when the flames get more intense by every second. Then I realize, Tadashi is in there.

The New Fire Expert ( Jelsa / Big x )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang