Chapter 14

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I walked to the backyard with Christina following behind. I stood in the middle of the yard trying to collect my thoughts, to figure out what I needed to say. I'm just overwhelmed with so many things right now. Having to be without my little girl until this bullshit is over. Honestly, I hate that I even allowed Neel to come back into my life, but I'm just glad that he wants a better relationship with Sonny. All of this is for the sake of our daughter. So I will destroy anyone that bothers to be a threat towards my daughter, even if that means I have to get rid of this stupid pack to make sure my daughter is safe from all of this.

I took a deep breath and looked at Christina. She seemed a bit timid than how she was from years ago. I remember her being the Queen Bitch at our school that enjoyed terrorizing me for her sick pleasure. But now that I look at her, I can see the pain in her eyes and the things that she been through.

"Lily, please understand I didn't come out here to hurt you. I only came to make things right between you and I." she said.

"Why? Why do you want to make things right between you and I? You knew the things that Leonard did to me. You chose to ignore them and then had the nerve to laugh in my face when we all went to court." I said.

I see that she winced due to the memory of that day.

"I'm truly sorry. I was stupid and I believed that you were making things up about what he did to you. I didn't believe it until my father showed me the surveillance of what Leonard did to you. I saw how he would torture you, beat you to the inch of your life and would just rape you until he had his feel. It broke me and I hate that I ignored you because of my selfish reasons." she admitted.

I chuckled bitterly.

"So you thought those screams were fake? You thought that those tears were fake? You thought the bruises and the black eyes were all fake? You can't tell me that you feel sorry when you knew the things that your brother did to me even though he wasn't ever your real brother. You stood there protecting him knowing that he did those things. You can't make excuses for an indecent person when you knew that he was sick when you saw how he treated me."

I walked towards her standing face to face.

"You allowed that sick fuck to break me. You allowed everyone at that school to ostracize me because I was the dark skinned girl with unkempt hair. You're just like your mother." I said

"I'm nothing like her, Lily. If you want to know the truth, she knew exactly who you were. She knew that, but still didn't care. My mother was far worse. She paid someone to keep Leonard out of the media and paid good money to make sure no one knew where he was. He was still able to graduate from high school even while in prison." she admitted.

That's one skillful bitch. I thought to myself.

"If you want to make things up to me, you will fight right along side me and Neel. For the sake of my daughter. Then I will decide if I can trust you or forgive you."

I gave her a proposition because I want to test the waters to see if she'll betray me. As the saying goes, just because the snake sheds its skin doesn't mean the snake isn't still a snake.

"Alright. I'll do it." she agreed.

I walked away and left her with her thoughts. The moment this bitch betray me, she will die right along side my enemies. I can't wait for that day to come.

Time to close the curtain and end things once and for all.

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