Chapter 8

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I'm so happy to be with my family again. Two years of being away from Lily and my precious baby girl, Sonny. Things haven't fully went back to normal because I respected Lily's decision of her not returning with me just yet until I get everything settled with my pack. It's time that things start to progress so that Lily and I can get back on track. So I decided to stay with Lily and Sonny for a week just to spend more time with them before I have to leave.
"Where's my beautiful girl?"
I see Sonny looking at me smiling hard. Gosh I won't ever get use to her smiling at me like that. I thought to my self.
"I'm right here daddy." She said.
Since I've been staying here I've been helping Sonny with her vocabulary because she was somewhat a late bloomer when it came to her speech, but she's a fast learner when she wants to be.
"I got you." I picked her up from the ground and threw her in the air. She laughed and squealed to the top of her lungs. I could most definitely get use to this.
"Love you daddy." She said.
"I love you too, sunshine." I put her down back on the ground.
"Let's make mommy some breakfast and then wake her up after we're done." I said.
"Ok daddy." I grabbed her hand and headed straight for the kitchen. I sat her in her high chair and proceeded on getting ingredients out of the refrigerator.
"I see you're still here." Said Robert.
Robert hasn't been the most kind towards since I chose to stay here with Lily and Sonny, but I can't blame him. I took part in destroying his entire pack and left his daughter after I killed my own father, trying to find answers on who my father actually was. But he's gotten use to me being here and he's just been cordial.
"Yeah I am. Sonny and I are gonna cook breakfast. Want anything?" I asked hoping that we can develop a better relationship.
"Naw I'm good. Thanks anyway. How's my grand baby doing this morning?"
One thing I can say about Lily's dad is that he's a great grandfather to our baby girl and she is his favorite person besides me. It makes me a little jealous that she has a better relationship with her grandfather than with me but I blame myself for that.
In the process of cooking, I was mind-linked by one of my pack members.
Q: sir you need to return home. It is urgent. Some of the pack members are being rebellious and causing problems with the pack.
N: what?! Who's starting the rebellion?
Q: Alexis
That name made me see fucking red and to think that we have finally gotten pass all of this.
"Neel what's wrong?" I heard Lily ask me and everyone was looking at me.
"I need to return to Texas,  baby girl." I admitted
"Why? What happened?" She asked
"Alexis has started a rebellion within my pack." I was fuming trying my hardest to not shift while my daughter was here.
"I'm coming with you." She said
"Lily, you can't. I can handle it." I didn't want to risk anything to happen to her if she was to come with me.
"Fuck what you're saying Neel. It is finally and plus I've been meaning to whoop that bitches ass after the foul things she said to me. So my answer is final." She said.
"Go handle your business baby girl. I'll watch Sonny and I know your mom is going to show up in a bit too." Said Robert.
Sooooo no one gives a damn about my opinion. 🤦🏼‍♂️
"Fine. Let's get ready to go." We both gave Sonny a kiss on the cheek before we left.
This is the last fucking rebellion my pack is going to have because they have finally pushed me too damn far.

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