maddy's mom: what r u doing here? (with attitude)

nandini: i didnt come here to talk to u. i want to talk to ur son. say him to come here. (angry eyes and tears are flowing in her face)

maddy's dad: so atlast he told u (smirk)

nandini: i dont think so that ur son even had the intention to say me

maddy's mom: however u know the truth now. so u leave my son

nandini: its non of ur business. (angry)

nandini: madhyam come out. come outttt (shout)

(fab5 came there)

cabir: nandini come. lets go. we can deal this later

nandini: (seeing cabir) when cabir? when we will deal ?haan? when?

maddy's dad: maddy said that she has a brother. it means like u.i hope atleast u r not like her. take her away.

maddy's mom: listen many VIPs present at our home. dont create any scene.

cabir: listen u both have no rights to scold us. (angry)

(nandini throw the glass bottle in her hand and it fell in maddy's room.he came out)

madhyam: nandini!! cabir!! (confused)

(he went down towards them)

maddy: guys u all r here!! what happened

nandini: dont u know madhyam?

maddy: i am sorry (guilt)

nandini: how can u do this!! u cheated me. i trusted u. i spent almost all the time with u. i loved u since school. i left my family. Y? coz i want to join in my collage so that i can see u always.i never came behind u. u r the one . u r the one who approached me. even i said about my parents, my family, my brother. like everything to u. but u!! u left me now. (angry +sad +tears)

maddy: nandini i am sorry. but hear me once. (seeing her with guilt)

nandini: what u want me to hear madhyam? say now. (angry)

maddy: i never liked this marriage. i am doing this coz...coz my parents forced me.i respect them so couldnt oppose them moreover this is not at all a marriage. a deal.. a deal between two companies. (holding her hands) (sad)

nandini: (removing maddy's hands from holding) what? respect for ur parents? then what about me madhyam? u respect ur parents but u didnt even think about me right. seriously madhyam. and what u said? it's just a deal? whatever it maybe. even though it is a deal u left me. (crying and angrily)

maddy: but nan..

maddy's mom: madhyam its enough. say ur friends to go from here. they are just insulating us infront of everyone. say that brother and sister to leave or else i will throw them

cabir: mrs Singhania. i know how to deal u.till that bye.come nandini lets go

(cabir hug nandini by shoulder and took her to home. nandini was seeing maddy till their car went out of their home. maddy too saw her. but her eyes meant nothing. she didnt had any emotions in her eyes)

nandini:( in her room) god where did i kept them. shit i need it. (searching everywhere)

manik: are u searching these? (showing his hands)

(he had nandini's pills)

nandini: how did u get these? (seeing here and there)

manik: so u r searching these. i guessed right. (smiling)

nandini: dont try to be like sherlockhomes. u cant

manik: (smile disappeared).

manik: y r u making ur room dirty? actually its already like a garbage and in addition to that u r throwing everything here and there

nandini: what ? garbage? my room ?
eiffel towerrrr. i am gonna kill u manik

(she started to run chase him happily)

(but only we know that she is gonna chase him and make him hers for life long. hamesha♥️)
this chapter ends here. i wrote this after a long time.


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