"Just tell us what you did!"

"I didn't do anything to him, he did something to me! Please let go, it really hurts!" A few tears had fallen down her cheeks and the tight grip on her arm vanished as the dark haired boy in question had looked at her in shock. She took a good few steps back so she was further away from the boys and more comfortable with the distance. She was considering running away but the boy spoke up.

"What do you mean. Why would something he did to you get him expelled?"

"He attacked me, now please, leave me alone." she whispered loud enough for them to hear as she rubbed the tears away from her eyes.

"....why would he attack ...you?" the boy to the left looked at his companion in confusion and uncertainty as if regretting approaching her in the first place.

"I don't know, but he did, twice. Now please leave me alone." And then she left. She turned her back on them and began to walk away when she heard them following her once again. She stopped in her tracks and brushed away the tears that had returned.

"What do you want?" she turned to face the boys, too defeated to care anymore. They looked sheepish and she had to hold back a look of surprise when they opened their mouths to apologize,

"We're sorry for approaching you like that. We didn't know he had attacked somebody and a girl at that."

"And I'm sorry for grabbing your arm. Does it still hurt? I can take you to the hospital wing if you'd like." The sudden change in demeanor was slightly suspicious but it didn't matter.

"That's okay but I suggest you change your approaching tactics unless you wish to scare of everyone you wish to talk to. There is no need to take me to the hospital wing, thank you and goodbye." she felt rather confidant as she walked away leaving the two Slytherins regretting ever approaching her and rethinking their tactics.

As she rounded the corner she stopped and lent against the wall. She was late for class but she had to collect herself first. She wiped at her eyes that were undoubtedly red. She really had no desire to go to class looking like this, but she did. 

The moment she entered the greenhouse all heads turned to her. Her face went red and she hurriedly scanned the class to find an empty seat that turns out was beside Pansy Parkinson. She went to sit down, not as nervous as she normally would have been. Pansy had helped her and she was a nice girl.

"Miss Atrio, care to explain why you are late for class?" Professor Sprout had stopped the lesson and was watching her, as was everybody else.

"I forgot my book, professor."

She knew it was a lame excuse but Sprout bought it and the class continued. It wasn't long until she felt a nudge on her shoulder and she looked to her left to see Pansy's concerned face staring back at her.

"Are you okay? You're eyes are all red." she said, gesturing to her face.

"I'm fine, just had a little run in with someone. I'm okay now."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, thanks for your concern though." Tara smiled at the Slytherin who had been so kind to her recently.

The rest of the class they talked and did their work together and after class they walked to their next lesson that they also had together, Defense Against The Dark Arts.

After classes they went to the library together and did their homework. Pansy it turns out was a great person and she loved being friends with her, yes they were now friends. Tara hadn't really had a friend that was a girl and she was enjoying it so far. It was very different than being with Pierre for example. 

"I've been pondering for some time now and I wonder, what does the Hufflepuff common room look like? I've always imagined it to be bright yellow with badgers on every surface and people hugging in every corner with animals on their shoulders and the like." Pansy said matter of factually. 

Tara raised her eyebrow at her and smirked. "I know for a fact that there are snakes on every surface in your common room. Isn't there like a banner with the Slytherin crest hanging across the entire room or something and like green sofas and no proper lighting? Like, we get it, snakes are cool, chill out Salazar." she said, nudging her shoulder. " I think he might have had a slight fetish for snakes" she added.

"Dear God! Someone call Salazar, his secret's out!" she said rather loudly for the library and Madam Pince shushed her from wherever she was hiding. " Well, if you've been in my common room and know all our secrets on why we're always squinting ( due to bad lighting), you have to show me your common room, it's only fair." Pansy said in a voice much more suited for the library with a smirk on her face.

"Fine then, but be prepared to see the best room in the castle, and proof of that is there is no need to squint because the lighting is sensible."

The girls went to the Hufflepuff common room and Pansy loved it. It was indeed quite yellow but there were in fact not badgers everywhere and it was incredibly homey, there was also much better lighting, but Pansy didn't want to admit that. They decided to walk down to dinner together that evening and a lot of the following ones as well. They remained friends until the last day of school and even sat together on the Hogwarts Express. They promised to keep in contact during the summer and departed with a hug at Kings Cross station experiencing one of their last happy moments for a while.

Home school is honestly killing me. Never have I been so bored and distracted. I wrote this chapter during my Geography and Science lessons and that is not a good idea really, but here I am. I've actually taken to reading and writing here during school hours and then having to do my schoolwork later, I wish I could just switch the order around but it's practically impossible.


Just Happiness │D. Malfoy ✔Where stories live. Discover now