Chapter 12

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When Damien walked into his room Norman was standing there waiting.

"So? How did it go?" He asked.

"Well, she said she would civil and healed the burn mark." Damien said walking over to his liquor cabinet.

"Perfect! Now you can get in touch with your guardian again." Norman said watching Damien pour himself a glass. "You really need to stop drinking like that."

"Mind your business." Damien chuckled.

"So, now that the Keeper is here you know what this means right?" Norman asked.

"I know. Connor will be back. It's not going to be an easy life with him coming back." Damien said standing in front of the fire. "Down side is we don't have a lot of time. Arya hasn't met her guardian and that's going to be a problem."

"We took him on once and sent him back to his dark hole. But I might say that you and him probably have the same amount kills now." Norman laughed. "You blood thirsty hound."

"Knock it off. We need to figure out how to keep Diane away from Arya before all hell breaks loose between them." Damien responded.

"Ah yes, you have quite the soft spot for our dear Keeper. And Diane is trying to bring up how you two used to be a little thing before the bow chose you." Norman said finding himself a glass.

"Arya has been different. She is more likely to react with force than before." Damien answered.

"You mean after you stabbed her and caused her to be immortal?"

"Yes, and quit bringing up that I stabbed her. I was not in my right mind." Damien snapped.

"Fine. I'll have Oren and Diane start keeping an eye out for the signs that Connor has returned. And I'll stay here with you two to make sure that Arya meets her guardian." Norman explained.

"Stay here? No. Go back to your own castle."

"Are you scared that she might favor me over you? Come on now, you know only one woman has my heart. I just like watching you squirm at the fact Arya is getting close to me." Norman joked watching Damien expression darken.

"Tomorrow we begin on helping her channel her guardian." Damien said looking into the fire.


I woke to Blu jumping on me. "Get up, you have things to do today."

"Okay I'm up, calm down." I say rubbing my eyes.

"I didn't say anything yet." I hear Damien's voice say from the door way.

I look at Blu who is beaming at me like he knew I was caught talking to him.

"My mistake. I'll be down in a minute." I say trying to make it seem like I wasn't talking to someone he couldn't see.

I get dressed quickly and come out of my room. I see Norman exiting one of the other rooms as well.

"Good see you up and ready for the day." He says walking over to me.

"I thought you left with the others?" I asked confused.

"Damien and I agreed that it would best if you had two originals helping you." He says leading me down the stairs.

Damien looks up at us chatting and heads to the dining room without a word.

"What is wrong with him?" I ask Norman.

"He is just grumpy. Don't pay any attention to it. Let's eat." He responds.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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