Chapter 10

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It was time for the party. Many guests arrived and the castle was packed with many different faces. Blu hid the bow for only me to find while I changed into the dress I chose.

"Go have a good time. If you need the bow I'll lead you to it. But don't forget you still have other powers." Blu said to me. I bent down and pet his head.

"Thank you."

I stood at the top of the stairs that lead down to the main room. Looking out I spotted the three rulers talking to people and saw Damien staring at me. I walked down the stairs to him.

"May I have a dance?" He asked bowing. I smile and nod as he led me to the floor to join the others dancing.

"I don't really know how to dance." I say as he places his hand on my waist.

"I'll show you, just follow my lead and make sure not to step on me too much." Damien chuckled.

He takes me gently and leads me around the floor like I was floating. Being close to him was different, I was warm and I felt at peace even though he stabbed me and there would be more danger now that I have fully excepted my role as an immortal.

When the song ended we separated and I headed for the drinks.

"Well you and Damien seem closer." Diane said walking next to me grabbing my drink out of my hand.

"What a lovely person you are." I say picking up another drink, ignoring the fact that she just took my drink.

"Don't get your hopes up little one. He is only nice to you because he has to be. That bow of yours is the only reason he looked your way. Damien and I have history, know your place." She says looking at me pitifully.

Something in me clicked. I wanted to get back at her, I'm not going to take being treated rudely anymore. I look at her drink and tap the table hoping it worked.

"Enjoy your drink." I say walking off to sit next to a pillar to avoid being in the way.

"That was a cheap little party tricked you pulled on Diane." A voice said sitting next to me. I look over and see that it's one of the originals. Norman I think.

"I think it was rather funny seeing her spit out her drink." I say.

"You changed her drink to blood. You must not like her." He says.

"No not really. She has quite the ego. It's nice to get a little revenge." I saying looking around.

"Yes, which means you are getting stronger. A Keeper like you will be better than all of us in no time." Norman said with excitement.

"A Keeper? Is that what I'm called?" I ask looking at him. I knew he had more answers for me than Damien.

"Yes, It's a fitting name. You are to make sure we don't try to tear each other's throats out." Norman laughed. "Have you met your guardian yet?"

"No. I have to get stronger before I get to meet it." I say taking a drink.

"I believe it. Your guardian will be stronger than all of ours. I see you have one of your keys that you need." He says pointing to my arms where the gold markings are. "We all have two keys. Mine is my ring and earring. Oren with his bracelet, Diane has her necklace and Damien has his sword. We all have a secret second key but no one knows the second. That how we keep ourselves safe."

"If it's a secret then why did you tell me both of yours?" I ask confused but flattered.

"Because Keeper, I might lose it and I know that you would help me find it. Good to know what you are looking for." Norman smirks.

"You think something bad will happen to one of your keys?"

"Who knows. The world is changing. And you don't need to worry about Diane. Her bark is worse than her bite." He says standing up taking my hand and kissed it goodbye. "Go and enjoy the party."

Throughout the night people were greeting me and chatting. It was a pleasant evening, I never thought that I would see a party or meet people who didn't just want their keys. Oren came up to me and introduced himself. He had a different presence than the other three originals. Damien was wrathful and overpowering, Norman was calm and peaceful, Diane was prideful and arrogant, but Oren far different I couldn't put my finger on it. I guess my Keeper abilities were helping me get one the same page as the rest of them.

"Keeper what a blessing it is to finally meet you. We waited a long time." Oren began. "Please ignore our little fight we had with Damien long ago. We were children that didn't understand the bow."

"I heard about it but it didn't cause any harm." I say trying to sound like I was caught up on the history.

"Oh? I heard that Damien went crazy after you disappeared. He took over your town by force. He has quite the temper since you freed him. I'm surprised you forgave him so quickly. Or did you not know?" He said folding his hands together. "I'm only telling you because you have a right to know."

"I didn't know. But the higher-ups were not good people." I say confused. At this point I was done with my anger about him killing the higher-ups.

"And the Warlord Damien is any different? I will warn you now Keeper. There will be greater problems soon to come." Oren said as he bowed taking his leave. I knew what Oren was, odd and problematic.

The KeeperTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon