Chapter 1

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I had to climb the mountain to get new keys for the temple, which is a long and rough road. This journey is not only for the keys but to bring supplies to the Key Seekers temple.

My mule, Daisy, is a sturdy and very stubborn girl but she can haul anything. She is a good listener when I wants to talk about my problems.

Along the steep road I passed a cave that I have never seen before. It was not a large opening but something shining in the cave caught my attention. I stepped off the cart and told Daisy to stay put.

I slowly entered the opening following the light. As I got closer it glowed brighter. It was a bow with arrows laying under it. The glow from the bow exposed writing on the wall that I could not understand. As if some unseen force was leading my hand I gripped the bow. The second my hand touched it two bright gold streaks of light shot out and grabbed my forearms leaving gold ribbons in-bedded in my skin.

With fear soaring through me I looked around and saw torches light up leading down farther down the cave. I stood there looking at my forearms not understanding what was going on.

"Oh no, what am I supposed to tell the higher-ups about what is on my arms." I thought to myself. "Okay two pixies with whips attacked me and grabbed my forearms. Yeah they will believe that."

Looking down the path lit before me, the notion to go deeper got the better of me. I couldn't help venturing down to see more, maybe even find a short cut through the mountains.

Slowly making my way down further I put the bow on my back and the quiver full of arrows on my hip. Soon I walked into a unbelievably huge opening that had armor and treasure littered everywhere. A single statue stood in the middle of the room.

I walked closer to the statue. "This must be hundreds of years old" I thought taking a closer looks. It was a man dressed with a long cloak and rich looking clothing holding a sword. I noticed something on the sword and reached out to rub the dust off to see the emblem.

When I finally had a good look at it the statue began to break and crack.

"I need to stop touching shit!" I yelled backing up a bit. I closed my eyes so the dust and rubble wouldn't ruin my sight.

As I slowly opened my eyes to the mess I made I was met with the point of a sword at my throat. At the other end of the sword was a towering man with a fearsome glare aimed at me.

"Who are you. How did you get in here." He asked in harsh tone carefully scanning me. His accent was one I've never heard before with my time in his land.

"Uh, who are you? I just stumbled in here. Sorry." I say looking behind him and noticed that there was no sign that I just broke a statue. Looking back at the man my eyes widened.

"Wait a minute. Were you that statue?" I said before he could say anything while slapping the sword out of my face.

He stepped back surprised at my action. "Yes, how did you wake me up?"

"I touched the sword, I wanted to see what was on it." I say walking past him to look at the area where there was a statue.

"Where did you get that bow?" The man asked.

"Wow, you ask a lot questions for someone who was a rock." I say turning to him. It turns out I speak with attitude to people who point a sword at me.

"Okay," he said with a sigh as he sheathed his sword. "Let me introduce myself. I am King Damien. Warlord and ruler. Your choice on what to call me." He said with an arrogant smile.

"We don't have kings in this land. The closest one is to the south Rock Man. That king over sees this land. But anyway I'm Arya." I say blankly staring at him unimpressed.

"Well Arya, I'm guessing a lot of time has passed since I've been gone. Why don't you lead the way and show me around?" Damien says looking down at her.

This man was two times my size and weight but I still wanted to sass him.

"What do I get out of this? I woke you up by accident." I say crossing my arms.

"How about I don't kill you." He said in a stern tone.

"Fine, whatever. But you can't be walking around dressed like that. I do not want people asking me questions." I say. "I'll be back with some spare clothes."

I turned and walked out leaving him standing there. When I made it back to Daisy I stopped.

"I can just leave him right now. Then I won't have to explain why some strange man is with. But then I would have a confused warlord running around because of me. Who knows what he would." I say to Daisy who just looks at me. "Okay, your right. I'll watch him for now."

I pick up the spare clothes and make my way back to the Warlord.

As I walk in the man is completely naked standing over his clothes looking into a shield at his own reflection. I feel my cheeks heat up and quickly cover my eyes with one hands.

"Dear gods why are you naked!" I yell at him.

I heard him walk closer to me. My heart raced knowing that there was an ancient naked man standing in front of me.

"Darling have you never seen a man before?" he says slightly amused.

"Just take the damn clothes and put them on." I say holding out the clothes. I feel him take them and I turn around not to face him.

After a short while I turn to see him having trouble with the clothes. These are probably far different from what he is used to.

"Would you help me please? This outfit is too complicated." Damien asked looking up.

He only has the pants on and is having trouble with upper half. Damien was very well built, his chest was wide and body toned to the max. I have never seem someone like him, other than some of the guards that would come through the town but he was much larger and could probably take them on.

"Fine but I'm not your servant girl." I say picking up the top of the clothes.

I walk around behind him and help him put his arms in the sleeves and explain how the top part worked. I caught a glimpse of strange markings that covered his back.

Then I moved to the front placing the fabric where it should be and then wrapped a belt around him. As I was fastening the belt Damien lifted my head up to meet his gaze.

"You should know I would treat a servant girl like you very well." Damien said in alluring tone.

I stared up at him almost entranced by his gorgeous face but quickly came back to earth. I gave one final hard tug at the belt making sure it was super tight and uncomfortable.

"Sorry I don't feel like dressing up a grown man like a child. Come on I need to get going." I say calmly as I possibly can.

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