Chapter 5

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In the dungeon Diane walks down to visit her old friend again. Making sure rub her success in his face.

"Your little lady just left and now you are mine. That link let you see the face of your enemy, how cute. I think I'll continue on you tomorrow." Diane said walking up to Damien. "Don't look too surprised. I told her all about you. Sleep well handsome."

Damien watched the door shut. For some reason he felt hurt that Arya just left him here. It's not like he gave her a reason to stay either. He tried to break the chains but it was no use, Diane prepared this spot just for him. The special metal she used makes him weak enough that he can't fight back.

Hanging there Damien prepared to be tortured for years until he is killed by the one person that brought him back.


I walked to Daisy and told her to head to Aunt Anita so she is cared for and it can look like I actually left. I grab everything I need just in case.

Night finally came around and I circled the castle looking for any opening that I could fit through. After a while of searching I finally found a way in. The opening was just big enough for me to squeeze through.

I combed through the halls until I found the dungeon. I saw only two guards keeping watch. That must be where they are keeping him.

With no idea what I was doing I just walked right up to the guards. "Hi, uh I'm just wondering if I can get in there."

The guards look at each other and laugh. "Get out of here before we hurt you."

"Then sorry about this." I say and I knocked out both men. My body didn't feel like it used to, it felt stronger and faster.

I look at the door and open it slowly. Peeking in the room it was dark and I couldn't see much. I fully open the door and see Damien hanging by chains shirtless with the stain of blood on his side. He lifts his head slowly, squinting his eyes to see who I am.

"Why the hell are you always shirtless?" I say as I rush over to free him.

"Don't like what you see? I thought you left." He laughed weakly.

"No. I lied because the link isn't broken and I don't want to be tortured along with you." I say releasing him. Damien drops to ground onto his knees and looks up at me.

"You are an idiot love." He says with a small smile. " How did you get in here?"

I look over and find his shirt laying on a table with multiple knives and sharp metal rods. "Through a hole you can't fit through so we will have to find another way out."

Damien slowly rises to his feet and take the shirt from my hands. He turns around and picks up his boots. I stare at his back this time, very large, broad and strong. His marking on his back makes me wonder what it is. Then somewhere in the back of my head someone tells me to touch it.

I shake my head. "I am not going to randomly touch his back, he might cut my hand off."

"I need my sword, follow me." Damien said as he threw on his shirt.

"You seem to know your way around here. Come here often? You know to torture prisoners, snoop around. Maybe even hook up with people in the privacy of darkness." I say nonchalantly.

Damien stops suddenly and I almost ram into him.

"Is that what you think of me?" He asked almost sounding hurt.

"I uh well.." I start to say then he covers my mouth and pulls me into a dark corner facing me with his hand still covering my mouth.

Our bodies were almost touching. I could feel the heat from him as a guard walked past. Damien still had his hand on my mouth so I bit his hand. He pulled away without a noise and looked at me with interest.

"I wouldn't try your luck , love. Close quarters and all. I'm still a man you know." Damien said in a low alluring tone getting close to my face. I felt my heart race but now was not the time to be trapped in his charm.

"Don't do that again without warning or I'll bite harder." I say moving away from him.

"I look forward to it." I heard him say under breath.

This man is going to drive me crazy. I know Diane said that he is some ruthless monster but he hasn't harmed me in the slightest. He healed me in fact after the temples punishment and then kind of protected me when those bandits attacked. There is something bigger going on and I plan to know what. Why is it so important that the stupid bow on my back chose me.

We walked into a room and Damien grabbed his sword along with whatever else he had on him.

"Okay robin hood, where should we go. I can get us out of here but where to hide?" Damien asked putting a cloak on so he could hide his sword.

"The cave I found you at. The opening disappeared after we left, maybe we could use it as a hideaway. It would give me time to figure out how we can break the link." I say. I didn't think too much on it but it seemed like it could work. "We would have to walk through the Dark forest to avoid being caught."

"Walk through the dark forest that is supposed to be dangerous?" Damien asked in disbelief.

"Yes, we don't have the cart because I had to make it look like I left. That way I could bust your ass out of here." I answer while crossing my arms.

"We are going to have two kingdoms after us and we are walking?" He exclaimed in frustration.

"It's fine. I'll protect you big boy." I tease. He looks over at me with a serious look.

"Oh you will? You can't even take me down how would you take anyone down?"

"Yes, but think in the end you can have your castle back. The key seeker doesn't need it, I want a little bit of pay back." I say.

That seemed to catch his attention. Damien walked past me. "Come on then."

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