Chapter 2

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We made our way up the hill and told him what his role was until we made it back to the city. Then he and I can go our separate ways. He kept his old clothing and sword in the cart for safe keeping.

When we arrived at the doors to the temple one of the women came out. She wore the long green dress given to them to show they are the Key Seekers servants.

"Arya! You stupid girl! You are late again. This is the third time, I will be sending a letter to your temple about your incompetence. I hope they will punish you accordingly. Now come." The woman yelled angrily.

I followed and told Damien to stay on the cart.

Just as soon as I entered, I was leaving. Holding a box in one hand and my cheek in the other.

"What happened to you?" Damien asked looking at me concerned.

"It's nothing. Just a mild punishment for being late. I will have the true punishment later." I say almost at the verge of tears. I know it will worse when we return.

As we traveled back down the mountain, Damien takes the box and opens it. Observing the keys he looks over at me. "What the hell are these. Why are they so important that you would be slapped for being late."

"Those are keys. Almost everyone gets one when they are born. These are the ones ready to be given out." I say looking lovingly at them. "These look like Elite Keys, some rich family is going to happy."

"Don't you have one?" he asked curious.

"No, that's why I work for the temple." I say staring at the road.

As our journey back down continued I told him the history and everything he needed to know about now days so he could adjust. When we finally made it back to town I hid the bow and arrows in my stuff. I stared at the large doors knowing what was to come. I knew the hawk already sent the message.

"This is where you get off. If you need any more help, this is where to find me." I say leading Daisy to the stables.

Damien looks at me concerned. "Are you going to be alright? You don't look to happy to be back."

"I'll be fine." I say not looking at him. I'm more confused on why he cares.

"Darling I can hear your heartbeat from here." He says standing in the door way.

"I said I'll be fine. I think the Kingdom to the south is looking for a General. You should probably start there." I say not looking at him. I cannot show him weakness.

"Very well then." Damien says heading out towards whatever future he may lead.

I take a deep breath and head in to the temple.


A few hours later I find myself thrown into the back gardens of the temple. I'm only mere inches away from where is stay. A small door leading to my shed where I live, shows no mercy either as it stays shut making my spine and every aching and bleeding muscle work to crawl towards the privacy of my pathetic home. This wouldn't have happened if I had a key, I wouldn't have gotten seventy-five lashes for being late. As I slowly drag my body towards my door I hear a rustle next to me, coming from a large bush.

I lazily look over, not caring for whatever it was. If was there to kill to me then that would be fine. I've wished death many times, this was a chance to free myself. I just relax my body trying to stop the pain and let whatever it was have a easy target. I close my eyes and place my head on the stone under me, waiting for the pain to be over.

"What the hell are you doing on the ground?" I hear a familiar voice say as it walked over to me.

At this point I couldn't open my eyes, I was far too exhausted to try.

"Oh my, you are bleeding heavily darling." He says gently lifting me and taking me inside my shed.

I feel him place me on my bed belly down. I could not speak to him because my throat was sore from the screaming and crying. Being a servant to the temple was a miserable life. They could do what they wanted, be as cruel as they pleased with no one to stop them. They owned me.

"You told me you would fine. Good thing I cameback. Now this will hurt for a moment." Damien says as I feel him place hishands on my torn back. Then all of a sudden, deep sleep.

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