Chapter 3 - Unspeakable Joy

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"What are you looking for Josh?" Vincent was wondering that he was acting like finding someone while they are lining up in the registration. Joshua was looking for Kathrina, but to his surprise, she wasn't there.

"Nothing, I was just surveying how many people are here today. It seems we have a good number of people." He was finding an alibi, but deep inside, he was sad because he did not find what he was looking for. He prepared so much to make himself more presentable for Kathrina, but unfortunately, she will not notice it tonight.

So when the two of them entering the glass door, a woman was also going out. Joshua thought she was absent that Friday and that his efforts would be wasted. But a sudden shift of his emotions like a wind changing directions when she saw Kathrina. This time, she dressed elegantly that made her even more fascinating. The sweet aroma of her perfume captured him so much just like he was sleeping in a bed of fragrant flowers.

"Wow, Josh you look good tonight. I'm surprised. Keep it that way always!" Kath was delighted seeing him being pleasant the way he dressed and groomed.

"Thanks, Kath." He cannot say so much, but deep inside his heart was like fireworks igniting and propels above that gave a bright and spectacular display. Joshua is celebrating in silence for the compliment he received from her and it was one of the greatest commendations he earned because it came from a woman she admired.

"Oh, and you also brought a visitor! Hi, nice to meet you!" She was glad to see another guest.

"Nice to meet you too Kathrina.. Hmmm... That is the name written in your chest," as Vincent was looking at it.

"Oh yeah, yes that is my name. It's a pleasure to meet you too Vincent," while she was looking at his nametag too.

"Your friend is just like you Josh," she continued while she was amused.

"I thought you will not be here tonight. I did not notice you in the table," Joshua asked her.

"Yeah, it's because we had rehearsals. I will be hosting for this event tonight!" she said joyfully.

"Oh really? Wow, I can't imagine you could also do that," he said, but in his mind, Josh thought this girl is really amazing.

"Good evening singles! Thank you for joining us today!" as Kathrina opens the program. She was very dazzling in her fancy dress and because of that, he adored her more. Josh marvels at her personality above the stage and was impressed with her courage to speak because he was into speaking also before. He thought they will be a good match.

"Tell me honestly Josh, do you like her?" Vincent was teasing him.

"Huh? Where does it come from?" Josh was perplexed by his question.

"I just noticed you the way you like at her when we are still outside," Vincent explained.

"I think so, Vince. I don't know." He was still confused if the infatuation became deeper and going into love.

Then the crowd began to burst as they exited after the singles ministry event. Joshua then remembered something and touched his upper body to remove his nametag. He looked at it and it was the same nametag that Kathrina wrote last Friday, but the adhesion was less effective than before. He secretly kept it for it has sentimental value because his name was written from a lady that shaken his world for a while.

Then most of the singles again proceeded to the tented food market again. Vincent was startled by having many participants. He even engaged with them until she saw Kathrina. He intentionally dragged Joshua when he saw that there was a vacant seat in front of her.

"Can we sit here Kath?" Joshua bringing the shakes for him and for Vincent.

"Yes sure. I'm glad you joined us here again Josh. I'm so happy that there are many who came to participate."

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