Ivar the Boneless- Catch your Death

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You pulled along your limp leg as you wandered down a trail on the outside of a town. Injured from a bear attack, you were left living but damage. Your right leg loosing most feeling and a lot of blood. You needed help but didn't travel too far into cities, knowing someone may no accept a cripple.

You had tied your leg tight around your thigh, hoping to prevent too much blood loss and had bandaged it thickly, holding in as much as possible. You jumped as you heard a horse whiney behind you. 

Two men rode behind you on horses, coming faster. You tried to walk into the wooded area but they were much faster than you, approaching you before you could duck out of sight. They stopped beside you. 

"Hey you, stop." One of them yelled. You hung your head low, limping over to him. He looked down at you, "Are you hurt?" he asked. You made eye contact with him, nodding. He smiled and offered you a hand, "I'm Ubbe." he said smiling. 

Ubbe helped you onto the horse and you looked over your shoulder to see a man with dark hair and stunning blue eyes starring at you. You smiled but it was not returned. Ubbe led the other man into town and you starred at your surroundings. 

He rode to a tent with a healer. The woman stepped out of the tent and helped you off the horse. The men lingered on their horses outside of the tent as the woman helped you limp inside. Once inside she looked at your leg, loosening the bandages. 

After what felt like eternity, the woman had removed your lower leg, amputating the damage. The woman looked at you pitifully as she rebandaged what was now left of your leg which stopped just about where your knee use to be. 

She laid you in bed and walked outside the tent, saying something to someone. The curtain pushed back and the man with dark hair walked inside. The woman disappeared, leaving you and the strange man. 

"I'm Ivar." he said quietly. You smiled, "Hello Ivar, I'm y/n." you said weekly. "She told me you are a cripple." he said, not holding back sensitivities. You grimaced, pulling back the blanket to show your leg and your new bandaged stump. 

He wiped the look off of his face and sat on the edge of the bed. "It's not so bad." he said looking at you. You scoffed, "What would you know?" you asked, suddenly feeling embarassed. He pulled up his pants leg. 

Under his garment there were metal braces on his legs you had not seen at first. Under the brace his skin was twisted and his bones were not set right in his legs. "Without these, I cannot walk." he said flicking the metal brace. 

You grimaced as well, looking back up to him. "Well at least you have your looks to get by." you smiled, starring into his eyes. He smiled, blushing a bit, "Well, at least we have something in common." 

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