Ivar the Boneless- He's kind of cute

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"Introducing Queen y/n, of Wessex." the army you had with you stood behind you as royal guards introduced you. 

You entered the dining hall and smiled amongst glares. You were from Wessex, the heir to the throne as granted by your uncle, King Ecbert. 

The viking men stood in defense as you entered though you came to speak with Bjorn. You approached him despite those in the room who wanted you dead. 

"I have come to make peace with you northmen. I want nothing but peaceful encounters." you said with a smile. 

Bjorn also smiled, accepting you. He ushered his men out and you did the same with yours, leaving you and Bjorn and Ragnars other sons. 

You began to speak of how you wanted peace and safe passage for both the northmen and yourself. Bjorn seemed to appreciate everything you said. 

"Don't listen to the christian. We will not compromise for her God." The youngest spat. You had heard of him, Ivar. 

"Do not listen to my cripple brother." Ubbe said glaring at his sibling. You smiled over your shoulder. 

"No it's okay. He has every right to defend his land and his gods." you smiled causing Ivar to seem speechless. "He's kinda cute." you said with a smile before turning back to Bjorn. 

You heard the deafening silence from Ivar and continued meeting with Bjorn. When it was time to rest for the night you left the room, but not before sending Ivar a wink of teasing. 

Vikings Oneshots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now