Wish you were here

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"I have news for you", Harry said excitedly.

"You do?" Louis asked with a smile on his face, he loved whenever Harry called him on slower work days.

"I got a job at the library!"

"Baby that's amazing! When do you start?"

"This afternoon".

"I'm so proud of you".

"Thank you! I'm so happy! It's absolutely perfect!"

"Yea? Tell me about it".

"Well, I love reading, I love meeting new people, and I love coffee, and the library has all 3".

"You do have to work, you know that right baby?" Louis chuckled.

Harry laughed, "that's the best part, gonna be running on super speed because it's wheelchair accessible".

"That's great, gorgeous".

"How's your day going?"

"S a bit slow, I'm on my break now, Liam's mad at me cause I'm calling you instead of paying attention to him".

"Go pay attention to him, I've gotta iron my clothes anyway".

"Alright, by the way, I'll pick you up after your shift ends, yea?"

"Thank you, you're the best".

"Alright, bye bye, love you".

"Love you!"

Harry grinned as he ironed the clothes he was going to wear today, he wanted to look perfect. Quirky, but approachable. Getting all of the crooks out of the striped blouse was a struggle, but he managed in the end. He paired it with some brown wide legged slacks and threw a baby blue sweater with a tiny chick on the front on top of it. He shook out his hair and put on his H and S rings, a little gift he got from Louis for their 6 month anniversary. He couldn't believe it had almost been a year.

He wheeled himself over to the library, extremely excited to start his first day, and what a day it was. Mainly some teenagers coming in for books they needed for school, but also quite a lot of old ladies. His favourite was the lady who came in for a knitting book and asked him if he made his sweater himself. They had a long conversation and by the end of it, they exchanged emails, so they could send pictures of the things they made to each other. Meeting het Made Harry realise how much he missed knitting and everything else he used to do in Eroda. He needed to ask Louis if they could pick up some yarn. Wait, no he didn't, he was making his own money now.

"Harry?" A young lady walked his way, "hi, I'm Sarah, your supervisor, sorry I haven't been able to come sooner, I had a meeting with Mitch. I hope Ari showed you the way well enough?"

"Hiya, she did, don't worry".

"Alright, great, how's your first day been so far?" She asked while tucking some hair behind her ear.

"Oh, I love it here, definitely a dream job".

"Lovely to hear, I just had a small question for you, I know you were supposed to work until 5, but our reader called off and we have a bunch of kids waiting for a storytime, would you be willing to stay until 6 and read to them?"

"I'd love to".

"Thank you so much, Harry, you're a gem".

He wheeled himself over to the children's section and grinned as he saw what appeared to be 4-6 year olds patiently waiting for someone to read to them. "Hi everyone", he greeted.

"Hello", a bunch of tiny voices followed.

"I'm gonna be reading 'the little old lady who was not afraid of anything'".

The kids were so invested in the story, Harry could feel his heart growing with every page he read. Asking them questions and hearing them get so excited whenever they got them right, or just received positive feedback in general. He loved it, he hoped he would be able to do this more often. He didn't even notice Louis had joined the circle.

"That's it boys and girls, I hope you will all come back next Tuesday, I promise we'll be reading a fun one".

Louis called him over as soon as he said bye to all the kids.

"Making me wait for an hour hm mister?"

"Fuck, i'm so sorry".

"S okay Haz, it was quite cute seeing you with all these kiddo's, I enjoyed the story".

"You watched all of it?"

"Of course I did".

Harry blushed red from embarrassment.

Louis leaned down for a kiss as soon as they left the library, cupping his cheek for a little longer, before pulling away. "I was going to take you to the park first, but I think I'm going to have to speed to make it on time".

"On time where?"

"I got us a table at that new restaurant, you know, to celebrate the fact that you got a job".

"You really need to stop spoiling me so much".

"Nope, 's my only purpose in life".

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