Speak to me

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He had a weird feeling the second he stepped on that boat, something was off about it. The clouds looked aggressive and the sea stared at him like it wanted to eat him whole. Nevertheless he persisted, he used one of the jars to create enough wind and sailed away.

40 minutes in, it started raining.

Another 20 passed before a storm appeared, a storm that would end up lasting for days.

Harry was shivering on deck, he hugged his sweater close to his body and cried. This was not how it was supposed to go. Lightning struck all around him, blinding him every single time. The waves around him looked like they were attacking the boat, sometimes even taking chunks out of it.

He should've known this was how it was going to end, should've known his name was tied to that island and he couldn't ever leave. He used to want to die but now he just wanted to live, he wanted a happy life and it felt like everything was taking that away from him.

Thunder rumbled above him as his boat swayed from side to side, this was it, he was going to have to become at peace with the fact that he wasn't going to survive this.

He was selfish, went after the love of his life when the laws of the universe clearly told him not to. He shouldn't have thought he was an exception to the rules.

What would dying even feel like?

He didn't have to wonder for much longer, the next strike hit the deck, punching a hole right through the wood and making the boat capsize.

Harry felt quite at peace as his body hit the water, the coldness numbing him immediately. He closed his eyes and a smile appeared on his face. He thought back to sunshine and him playing at the pier, them jumping into the water together, splashing at each other, their first little intimate moments. Water had always been an important part of Harry's life. Maybe he wouldn't even become one of the fishies, maybe he'd become the water itself, getting dragged along by the wind for the rest of eternity, the sound of him soothing people all over the world, the feeling of him creating memories for early lovebirds or first time baby outings. Being refreshment on a hot summer day or just the thing a sick person needed on their last days.

The last thing he remembered was a light flash and thunder roaring around him. Surely he died.

He felt arms wrap around him and tried to nuzzle closer, was that Louis? He couldn't open his eyes to check. He knew he was somewhere bright, and voices could be heard all around him. Was he in heaven?

Had Louis died as well? The thought made him quite sad. Then again, if that meant they would be together for the rest of eternity, maybe it was a good thing. He just wished he could stare into those blue eyes, or maybe make out what was happening all around him.

"DEFIBRILLATOR ONE MORE TIME!" He heard someone yell.


A shock went through his body and everything got pulled away from him, the light, the feeling of someone holding him, the soothing thought of sunshine being there with him. It all washed away.

It was a weird feeling, it was like he could feel his blood starting to pump throughout his body again. He heard beeping around him and slowly but surely, he realised. He wasn't in heaven. He was in a hospital. They were saving his life, he wasn't dead yet.

He didn't know if he was out of it for hours or days, but eventually, he opened his eyes again.

The first thing he saw were a couple thousand wires, connecting him to anything and everything, his room was a sharp white and the light quite hurt his eyes.

"Oh dear, you're awake", he heard someone say.

He slowly nodded, trying to figure out where that noise came from.

A gorgeous lady stepped into his line of sight, brown hair tucked into a neat ponytail, gorgeous blue eyes and the kindest smile.

"You've been out of it for quite a while", she said softly, "just gonna check everything real quick and I'll let you rest again Yea?"

Harry nodded once more, still quite confused.

"There we go, love, you're alright", she scribbled down some notes, "oh and before I forget, I'm Jay, I'll be your main nurse".

With that, the gorgeous lady left, and Harry fell asleep again soon after.

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