Learning To Love...Again.

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America's POV:

( A few days later )


Maxon escorted me back to my room, he said that dinner will be on our own today, but that he would probably come up and eat with me...

When I went into my room there was 1 girl in there.

" Is it true, My lady?" she asked

" What that I don't remember the selection yes." 

" Oh, well then, my name is Mary, I was one of your maids throughout the selection, you had 2 other ones Lucy, who is Aspen's girlfriend-" she started.

" WHAT!" I yelled.

" I'M ASPEN'S GIRLFRIEND!" I went into a rage.

Once the words came out of my mouth, I immediately regretted saying it.

Then Maxon walked in...

" America, your going to have to be a little quieter when you say things like that." he spoke calmly like he already knew the information.

" America, Aspen broke up with you once you were picked for the selection, you then came here, and fell in love with me..." 

" Wait, what? But we were gonna get married-" I muttered barely being able to be heard.

Maxon walked over and started rubbing my back...

I'm not surprised he knew how to comfort girls...

" America, get some rest, you've had an extremely tough couple of days." he said. 

Mary had already excused herself...

" Who was my other maid?" I asked him as he began walking away.

" Anne, I didn't know her very well, you were close with all your maids, but sadly, Anne passed during the rebel attack." he responded.

" Oh," was all I could manage.

" Goodnight, my dear, " he said just before he walked out the door.

I immediately started to sob...

So Aspen broke up with me...

And the I fell in love with someone else...

The Prince of Illea to be exact...

And I can't remember anything...

I might be able to get my memory back though...

That's it...

Tomorrow I need to spend the day with Maxon...

Luckily he remembers everything...

All our favorite places...

All the conversations we had...

I feel asleep surprisingly fast...


( The Next Day )


Mary gets me ready for breakfast...

Mary gets me ready for breakfast

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