The Bullet Always Comes

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America's POV:

There he is... 

That Southern Rebel...

He has his gun pointed toward Maxon...

I turn to look towards him, he's looking back at me...

I want to say something...

Tell him that everything will be okay...

I wish I could convince myself that everything will be okay...

Maxon's POV:

There is a Rebel Standing in front of me and America, Kriss is already under the table screaming...

I look towards America, and I can see in her eyes that she wants to tell me something...

But there's not enough time...

I hesitantly turn back towards the rebel...

A look of amusement crosses his face, like this will be much more enjoyable for him, and much more painful for me...

He turns his gun ever so slightly toward America... 

I lunge at him, but it is too late...

America's POV:

The last thing I see is Maxon's suit coat as he lunges toward the guard...

Then I fall backwards...

All I can see is the bottom of the ornate table...

I feel a burning in my left shoulder...

Damn it hurt...

Most pain I've felt in my life, worse then when I was shot the first time...

Actually second worst pain I've felt in my life, first being when Maxon said I'm going home...

Maxon's POV:

I lunged at the rebel, but it was too late...

I managed to hit him onto the floor, and started punching him with all the force in my body...

He Deserves it! He Hurt America!

Oh my God! America!

Is she alright?

After getting a few good punches in a feel someone trying to pull me off of him...

A Guard...

The Guard...

Aspen's POV:

Standing guard during the ceremony was miserable...

To make it worse, I was standing right beside the ornate table...

I never wanted to make things worse for Mer...

While I was looking around the room I spot August and Georgia...

Guess Maxon wanted them here to meet his new wife...

Thanks to me that wasn't going to be Mer.

I couldn't bare myself to make eye contact with her, though I could feel her staring at me...

I mainly looked around at the other guards...

 What was strange is that I didn't see Avery anywhere...

I could have sworn that he was scheduled to guard right now...

To be honest, I don't think I've seen most of these guards before...

Then it Hit me...

Anne told me this story...

The rebels stole the guard's uniforms...

I unlocked my holster but it was to late...

When I was lost in thought thought they pulled away at some signal...

One walked up right behind Celeste and put a bullet through the back of her head...(I'm sry! I love her as much as you, just trying to stick to the story as much as possible!❤❤😢😢)

I immediately started firing at them, and hell broke out...

Then out of the corner of my eye I saw America fall to the floor...

Maxon's POV:

" GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME! " I yell at him, he should have seen it coming.

What surprised me was when he yelled back.


And he shot a bullet through that rebels head...

Then he started running toward America, but I beat him there, determination made me fast...

" America are you alright? " I said.

" Does it look like I'm alright to you? " she replied with her usual sass. " Maxon I'm so sorry for everything," 

I could tell she was finding it harder to breath.

" No America I'm sorry, I was about to ruin both of our lives," I was talking to her as if she and I were the only one's in the room, and it felt like that because Off--- Aspen was holding the rebels so that none were getting to us.

" America, Break my heart, break it a thousand times if you like, it was only ever yours to break anyway," 

America's POV:

" Please America I love you! Please don't leave me." Maxon said.

I knew it was gonna hurt but I gave him a small smile.

I took another labored breath.

" I love you Maxon, every beat of my heart is your's, and I don't want to die without you knowing that," if I was gonna die right now, the least I could do was try to be sincere. 

" Please don't," he was chocking back tears at this point, and I was the same.

But he needed to get out of here, he needed to be safe, for so many reasons. 

So this was my first chapter?!?! How did ya'll like it, I'm going to try and stick as close to the story as I can, but there will be some tweaks here and there. I hope you enjoy, and I'm gonna try and post the next chapter soon!

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