I'll Always Be Your Hero

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Aspen's POV:

After I got Maxon and Mer into the safe room I immediately knew I needed to get up to the battle to end this once in for all...

As I approached the third floor there were many northern rebels there...

August and Georgia must have knew something was up and called them here to fight...

I saw a southern rebel that looked like he was aiming at something...

I shot him in the side...

Another southern rebel...

Shot in the arm, then head...

I was infuriated at them...

They shot Mer!

I hope she's okay...

Another rebel...

( 20 Minutes later )

I was walking around the third floor carefully, and I saw some bodies on the ground...

I carefully walked around them...

I had probably taken out 6 or 7 by now...

Then I collapsed I felt a burning in my leg...


They fooled me...

They both started walking my way...

 Then I heard to gun shots...

Then 2 large thuds...

" You alright Leger?" Avery said.

" Damn they got me in my leg."

" Hey man, You'll be alright," he said.

He lifted me up and started towards the hospital wing...

" The Prince and America, they are in a safe room, I said I would go back to them personally," 

" There are many guards going through all the safe rooms, you can't even walk, come on, you need to get checked out," he told me.



Sorry for short chapter :-( I wanted to do one that was just Aspen's POV, is there any one else's POV you want me to do?? I have an idea of what I want to do, but please still feel free to comment any ideas. That's All!!!

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