Finding Our Way

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America's POV:

" Maxon, you need to get to a safe room," I said.

His face was millimeters apart from mine...

Slowly he let our lips touch...

It was every kiss we ever had all the uncertainty...

All the hope...

" I can't leave you, America I love you, I won't go, you have to come with me," he replied

" Maxon, I don't think I can ever leave you, no matter where you go or what happens to me, I promise I will always be with you," I whispered.

Tears filled his eyes and started running down his cheek...

I tried to reach up to wipe them away, but he grabbed my arm and laid it back down by my side...

He started wiping my own tears away...

We stayed like that for only a minute, but it was still too long...

" Maxon, you need to get to a safe room, marry Kriss," he and I both knew there was a slim chance I would make it after this is over," Be the greatest ruler Illea has ever seen," he smiled at that," and Be happy, so now time to do step one," 

" America, no, we can get you into a safe room, please let us try," he said.

" Waste of time, I'll be fine..."

Aspen came back now...

" Aspen, get Maxon to a safe room," I told him.

Aspen turned and looked at Maxon...

" NO! We need to get her out of here, please, we can carry her, or you can carry her, and I'll follow behind, please!" he said it more towards Aspen...

I knew I wasn't gonna win this fight, and Maxon needed to get to a safe room fast...

I decided that it was gonna take less time for me to slow them down to get to a safe room, then arguing with him more...

" Fine," I replied.

Carefully and Slowly Aspen and Maxon pushed the table back so they could lift me better...

Then Aspen picked me up, and we started towards the safe room...

Maxon's POV:

Finally we convinced America to come to the safe room with us...

" Everything is going to be fine," I was trying to comfort her, but her shoulder was still bleeding out...

I'm sure she was in so much pain...

We finally found a open safe room, it was smaller then the one me and America were in last time...

I quickly grabbed the blankets and laid them on the floor...

Then Aspen set her down on top of them...

I crouched down beside her...

" I will come back here myself, your majesty, when this is all over," Aspen said.

" Okay," was all I could manage...

Then he closed the door...

I realized I forgot to turn on the light switch and started slapping the steel until I found it...

Then I laid down by her holding her hand lightly, that's what she asked me to do the first time she was shot...

We stayed like that for a while, I could still hear her breathing...

" So, this wasn't what was planned was it?" she asked, almost as if she never got shot.

" No my dear, I never planned for you to get hurt," this meant the bullet and telling her she was going home.

I could tell she knew it meant for both...

" It's my fault, I get it-," she replied.

" -Darling, it doesn't matter how we get there, as long as I see you walk down an aisle toward me, my world will be complete," I told her, leaning over so I was looking straight into her eyes.

Then slowly I bent down and kissed her, as if I was sealing a promise...

She smiled...

Then we were left to wait...

That One Bullet ( Maxerica FanFiction )Where stories live. Discover now