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The taste of his skin was exotic

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The taste of his skin was exotic.

It was one that Bellona savored when it reached her lips and, when she would allow her mouth to trace the outline of his neck, she could perceive a hint of almond in the flavor of his integument. Mixed in with almond were the rays of the sun. The same rays that she basked in as she lay on a picnic blanket, letting the heat reflect off of her glistening skin as she stretched her fingers, the tips yearning to stroke blades of grass that rested just out of her reach. They danced in front of her elongated hand, shifting to and fro in the wind as if they knew the torment they could put her through by resisting her desire.

So, she turned back to Sam. The essence of her soul, of all that was in the universe and of all the wisps of it that lodged themselves in her body, sighed when she thought his name. He would not gaze upon the bosom of her yearnings and so much as whisper a 'no'. She curled pieces of his hair between her fingers. The satisfaction of it filled her with euphoria, and when her fingers had drifted to the crest of his thick-laden head, her body curved into his once more. Her lips melded with his, in sync and one burst of passion away from destruction, much like the labyrinth of celestial bodies that roamed the night sky.

The trees would not dare tread the same land that Sam and Bellona did. The uncharted territory of intimacy and a once-innocent action that became worship every time Bell looked in Sam's eyes. In that moment as they lied, entangled in one another's limbs, beneath the seclusion of a circle of trees, Bellona swore she would dote on Sam for all of eternity, for as long as-


Bellona's head jerked upwards, and her heart jabbed at her throat as Summer's voice shook her out of her reverie. It had been a rude awakening, to say the least. Her fragmented daydreams had been more than joyous. They were gleeful and exuberant - a taste of pure bliss.

Bellona groaned and rubbed her fingers in circles over her eyes. "What do you want?"

"You're drooling again," Summer piped up, her smile coy.

"Shut up."

Bellona's tone had boasted a tinge of vexation, but even so, she lifted her hand to her mouth to check for any signs of a wet substance. There were none. Summer laughed, and Bell rolled her eyes.

She was in deeper than she'd originally thought. Of course, she'd always had a bad habit of imagining complex futures with boys she hardly knew, but this time the symptoms were much worse. She'd known Sam Winchester for one day - one - and already, just a single glance in his direction was sending her into spirals of daydreams.

Her gaze lingered on Sam where he stood across the library. He was talking to Mrs. Darrow at the admissions table, his shoulders curled in as if he wasn't confident enough to present himself at his full stature. This sliver of scrutiny sent a pang through Bellona's heart. If anyone deserved to have self-confidence, it was Sam Winchester.

Knocking on Heaven's Door | 𝐒𝐀𝐌 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now