Chapter 8 - The Name of the Game

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"Welcome to Chen's island," Clouse said as he disembarked. "The Tournament of Elements welcomes its brave fighters."

All this talk about the tournament was making Kai impatient. He was itching for a fight. Sure, they were only there to make sure that the girls lost the tournament, but he also wanted to have some fun and maybe even win this thing. He expected that the others felt the same way. At least it wouldn't be much longer, now.

Kai followed his teammates off the boat and up the stairs to the main gates. Chen had really gone all out with this thing. There were dancers and drummers and everything, not to mention all the surprises he had in store for later on. Kai had already gotten a glimpse of a few things during the time that they'd been helping get it ready. This sure was going to be an interesting event.

Clouse led the competitors into the palace and directed them to sit around the giant serpent pattern on the rug. As they took a seat, Jay whispered, "Are you guys as hyped about this as I am?"

"I don't know exactly how 'hyped' you are," Zane answered. "But I myself am pretty excited."

"Just remember the mission," Cole warned them. "That comes first."

Kai took a quick glance at the other masters around them. Some looked tougher than others, but looks didn't count for everything.

There was a guy off to one side with huge metal gauntlets over his fists. Another with skin as gray as ash and a face that looked just as grim. And almost directly across from Kai, a hooded figure whose face was obscured from sight. Kai remembered seeing him on the boat ride here. He was a small guy, obviously a little shy. For the life of him, Kai couldn't recall who he might be from the invitation list, or what his element was. That alone probably made him more of a threat than most of the others here.

When Kai looked further down the circle of fighters, he located the group of girls, including his sister and the attractive amber ninja. Kai was still annoyed with Cole for making him look bad in front of her – what was wrong with a little harmless flirting? Especially if he could get some info out of it. Kai wasn't an idiot, it wasn't like he would let anything slip.

But what's more, Kai couldn't believe he'd never noticed her before. Granted, he hadn't noticed that his sister was one of Garmadon's students before Master Wu told him, either. But it wasn't until they were at the pier, in the midst of all the arguing that he really saw her for the first time and froze up. And boy, was she breathtaking. All Kai wanted was to talk to her, to see if she had a personality as striking as her looks. But Cole was such a spoil-sport, he might never get the chance.

A gong sounded and Master Chen's signature fanfare played. Kai had heard that tune so much that he could have hummed along if he wasn't busy pretending not to know the guy.

"All rise for Master Chen," Clouse said.

Chen's throne was lowered down from above and set down on the platform. "Welcome to the Tournament of Elements!" he said. "Now you can all DIE—"

The front doors snapped shut like a snake clamping its jaws down on its prey. The Elemental Masters gasped.

"—rect your attention to me!" Chen giggled at his own joke. Kai fought the urge to roll his eyes. This guy was too much.

As he rose from his throne, Master Chen continued with more solemnity. "Never before have so many elemental fighters been under one roof. I see master of water, earth, shadow, speed . . ."

He turned and gestured to the gong, which was carved with a winding symbol of a serpent. "This symbol before you is for the Anacondrai, fiercest Serpentine warrior to ever roam this land. It's creed: Only one can remain."

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