chapter 15 something new

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Steve is sat next to Natasha hospital bed they are just thinking to themselves as Natasha injures were very severe and Steve is just thinking to him self will he ever love again. Natasha looks like she is barely holding on she already looks partly dead.

"Steve" Natasha says almost as a whisper

"Yeah" Steve replies

"I'm sorry for gett--- for getting captured I tired as ha--". She begins to cough.

"Natasha you couldn't do anything else you couldn't help it you did all your could" Steve says reassuringly.

Then Nick comes in the room "how is she doing" he asks hiding his worried tone. "Not great" Steve replies.

Nick looks down in sorrow.

"Steve" Natasha says so quietly Nick couldn't hear it but Steve did.

"Yeah" Steve says holding back his tears.

"You and me probably wouldn't of worked we are s--" Natasha stops talking and breathing.

"Natasha Natasha" Steve begins to shout as doctors and nurses come in the room.

"Natasha please fight Natsha just fight" Steve shouts again as Nick pulls him out of the room.

3 weeks later

It is Natasha funeral she died 2 hours after Steve was pulled out if the room and the doctors said there was nothing they could do.

Many people showed up to her funeral Steve and Nick were the most sad so they were there Tony, Rhodes, Sam, Liam, Maria,Clint and Coulson were all there none of her family was there as they were all dead.

Sam for the entire funeral comforted Steve while Maria comforted Nick who for the first time in years is crying. He is crying from is one eye of course and he doesnt have the other one. The funeral is taking place at a lake with a little cabin and Steve has the honour of putting her flowers on the lake and they float of out into the lake.

A few hours later everyone has gone expect Steve and Sam who is waiting for Steve.

"Steve we need to go it is midnight"

"Sam I know it's just hard as the last words she said to me was that we wouldn't of worked".

Sam looks down in sorrow "Steve she said that because you seemed so different from each other but yet you worked together so well".

Steve is touched by Sam words but he will never know what she ment one more tear drops from his face into the lake "okay let's go" Steve says to Sam.

Sam holds his shoulder to comfort him and they both head to Sam's car. But Steve turns around and faces the lake looking at the flowers he put in "I will love you Natasha" as they head back.

"Dont worry Steve I'm sure it will be alright" Sam says in a comforting manner.

"I don't think it will why do I love if my love gets taken away everytime first with Peggy and now Natasha I guess I should never love again for my sake and any other woman's sake" a tear comes to Steve eyes and they get in the car.

"Steve I will always help you bud trust me you will love again you will find a woman trust me" Sam pats him on the back as they drive off.

1 day later and Maria comes into Nick's office.

"You wanted to see me sir" she says in a stern voice.

"Yes as I've realised that shield wont be strong enough to protect us from a threat like that without losing lives along the way so we need something new".

"Sir I dont understand?" Maria says in a questioning manner.

"I've met many people like iron man and captain america so I think it is about time we start something new".

"What will we start sir" Maria says with the same manner.

"The avengers to fight the battles that we never could".

Nick throws down pictures of Clint, Steve, Sam, Tony and Rhodes but there is 3 more that Maria has never seen before they are Thor, Lady sif and wolverine.
I hope you enjoyed the final chapter.
I will start a new book but there will be many sequels and prequals to this.
Thank you to anybody who actually reads my crap and I hope you enjoyed my first book.

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