chapter 3 the mission

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It has been a month since Cap started his training and he is already done and mastered it all. He was 3 months quicker then the next fasted agent that being Natasha Romanoff. Finally the first mission for cap had began they had to infiltrate a boat that had a hard drive which had cruital information about hydra on it and this had to be done stealthily.

A quinjet came up for a boat there were 8 shield soldiers, cap and Natasha on the mission.

As they discussed the plan that Steve would jump down first followed by the rest of of the team with parachutes they would start at the front and make there way to the back. Steve told everyone to get ready as he got his helmet and shield on.

Natasha came over to him and said "exited for your first mission" and Steve replies with a smile "well I mean I wouldn't say exited is a good word for it". Natsha gave him a glare and rolled her eyes."what" Steve said with a confused expression. "You" she replied with a tone of voice meaing she doesnt care "I dont like what you stand for Roger's you stand for hope, truth and patriotism yet you go round punching people in the face it just seems weird".

"So it's my personality and not the costume" Steve said with a smirk on his face

Natasha rolled her emerald eyes again "that's another thing the suit your basically wearing a flag I'm glad Fury changed it to blue otherwise I think I would go back to Russia"

"I thought you from Russia" steve replies and all Natasha can say "why do you want to know my accent and where I'm from do you have a crush on me or something" Natasha said looking away from him "that's not what I sa-" Steve gets cut off by the piolet "were coming up for the drop zone cap so get ready" he says in a serious tone

Cap just nods and gets ready to jump but he looks back at romanoff one more time who is getting her parachute on and he finally jumps.

He heads towards the back of the ship and he lands in the water right next to the left of the ship.

He silently climbs up knocking 2 guards out and throwing his shield which knocks another one over board.

One jumps out from behind him with a knife but he smacks him in the head with his shield before anything can happen someone then comes out of a room and Steve knocks him down with one punch and knocks 2 more out who were in the room with his shield.

As he leaves the room a young man then shouts "we've been infiltrated" before getting knocked out by cap "shit" cap says with a annoyed tone he then jumps down to 4 more soldiers which he knocks out all 4 knocking one overboard one shoots at him but he throws his shield knocking down the attacker another comes behind him but Steve throws him over his shoulder knocking him out instantly.

He then runs across the ship either knocking them out of throwing over board any soldiers he meets.

One prepares to fire at him but is shot in the head by Natasha the shield agents finally come down and Natasha throws off her parachute and  Steve says to her "nice shot" in a charming tone but all she says without even looking at him is "what ever golden boy" steve frowns but keeps going with the mission. Taking out more soldiers in the top deck.

Meanwhile down below 4 shield soldiers and Black widow take out many hydra soldiers who get in there way.

Steve finally makes it to the place where the hard drive is but as he is about to open the door he is punched across the deck by a man with a skull suit Steve's 4 shield soldier's aren't there so he has to fight against this guy himself

"Hello captain Roger's" the man says and all Steve can say is who are you
"Me oh I'm crossbones nice to meet you it's a honour" he says with sarcasm in his voice.

As he walks towards steve he quickly looks at the man he has a skull suit with armour all over his body his with 2 holes for his eyes but his hands are really big with clearly some robotic parts for his hands which makes him able to punch harder.

He tries to punch Steve but Steve ducks dodging every blow he throws Steve then throws a punch at him which is blocked by his robotic hand. Then he punches steve through the door where the hard drive is where there are 2 other hydra soldiers they fore at him but Steve throws his shield which knocks them both down by while Steve was distracted and his shield out if his hands Crossbones lunges at him hitting cap in the face which knocks his cap off. His shield hits Corssbones in the back of the head which startled him. Steve then kicks Crossbones in his head which knocks him back then all of a sudden Crossbones gets electrocuted. Steve turns to see Natasha with her hand out infront if her launching her weapon again which is called the Widows bite. Cross bones fights the pain though but gets knocked down by a punch by Roger's.

"Jesus Christ what happened to you" Natasha says with a uninterested tone of voice as she takes out the hard drive "nice going" Steve says witha smile on his face Natasha just roles her emerald eyes again and says "I killed 21 how many did you get" Cap says "wait you killed" Natasha replies  with "yes killed but you didnt answer my question how many" 45 but none of them dead" steve replies with a irritated tone "looks like I win then" Natasha says in a happy voice

Steve just looks at her disappointed "what?" Natasha says innocently "why do you kill Natasha there is no need" She just turns to Steve and says" look golden boy" poking him on the chest "you aren't my leader I can do what I want" All steve can return with is "well I am a captain so no more killing" and before anything else can happen Crossbones says "see you in hell haha" as he runs out and throws a bomb at them he manages to escape.

Quickly think on his feet steve picks up Natahsa by her waist and picks up his shield putting it infront of them as they jump through glass just as the bomb goes off "what was that for" Natasha says with a irritated tone "what dod you want me to leave you" Steve says in a Irritated voice "I would have preferred it" Natasha says running out off the room with the hard drive with Steve following behind.
I hope you enjoyed chapter 3
Chapter 4 will be out soon.

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