the note.

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Isabella POV

I knew that if I saw Ernest's face again, tears were gonna fall recalling last night's conversation. And so I did what I thought was the right thing to do.I packed all my bags and wrote him a note:

" Ernest I'm so sorry for hurting you even though I didn't know you cared a shit about me...anyways I just wanted to tell you that I do care about you and you remember yesterday when you got home and heard what you heard, well it wasn't what you thought it was. What I'm trying to say is that I got my bestfriend Chris to pretend to be fucking me and all that and I truly regret doing that but the thing is that I did it because I wanted to make you jealous. You hurt me so bad that day I caught you fucking another girl in our home!well since I live here too it's ours not yours.. .I did it out of greediness okay!!I promise I will never bother you again and dont come after me.take care.....

Bye hubby".

A tear dropped on the note and I felt sick by writing that stupid note.I got downstairs walking with  slow steps  because I didn't want him to wake up.I went to the kitchen and hurled the note inside a dustbin.I took one last glance around the house and walked out the door....

There I was leaving behind the boy whom I desired with all my heart but couldn't tell him.

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