Chapter 136 - 140

Start from the beginning

   Today was the third day of the pokemon summer academy and everyone was sitting by a lake. Prof Rowan explained today's activity was to observe the water pokemon that lived in the lake. The students had to each focus on one pokemon and express their finding in a report or sketch and then they had to show a final presentation at the end. The grade would depend on the presentation and report. The students were allowed to work along or in a group. The final rules were no one was allowed to catch any of the water pokemon and no one was allowed to leave the area.It wasn't long till everyone started observing the water pokemon to draw them or write a report. Angie and the gang went off together. There were paddle boats in the shape of Lanturn on the lake and the gang decided to use them. Just then Ash noticed a strange blue light and then Pikachu went into a daze. "Hey Pikachu" said Ash, tapping Pikachu on the back. Pikachu got back to his senses. Ash thought something was weird about that blue light.Angie and the gang were soon admiring the water pokemon. They saw a Seel, Poliwag, Goldeen, Chinchou, Gorebyss, Dewgong and Sealeo. Tomo decided to draw Dewgong and Angie decided to draw Sealeo. Dawn liked the Gorebyss and decided to draw it. Brock decided to draw Chinchou and Ash decided to draw Goldeen. It turned out though Tomo and Angie were not that good with drawing and they feared they wouldn't get a good grade with the drawings. But Ash had an idea; he decided they should swim with the water pokemon to observe them better before doing a report. The others liked Ash's idea and soon everyone was swimming with the water pokemon. Conway was swimming about too."Swimming with the water pokemon was a great idea" said Dawn. "Yes and now we have to think about how to do our reports" said Brock. "Urgh I'm terrible with reports" sighed Angie. "I'm bad myself" said Dawn. "I've never done a report before as I never went to school" said Tomo. "I'll help you out a bit Tomo and then you can do the rest yourself Tomo" said Ash. Conway told Dawn that he would gladly help by writing the report for her, but Dawn told him she would do the report herself. Thing is Conway liked Dawn, but Dawn was clueless about it because she found him rather creepy sometimes. "Come on let's go back to work" said Ash. "Hold on," said Angie "Shinx is missing". It was true because Shinx wasn't with them. "That's odd, Shinx wouldn't just wonder off that this" said Brock.Just as they were about to search for Shinx the blue light Ash noticed earlier came again. And this time Piplup got into a trance. "It's that blue light again," said Ash "I noticed it earlier before we got into the boats and Pikachu got into some weird trance. There must be something over there". "Interesting maybe the legend about this lake is true" said Conway. He explained there was a legend that when a strange blue light flashes near the lake the pokemon in the area would vanish. "I don't like the sound of that," said Ash "I reckon that mysterious blue light is the reason why Shinx is missing. We need to go over to where that light is coming from and find out what's going on". The others agreed. Even though they knew they weren't allowed to leave the lake, they had to do something about this mystery. Conway agreed to go with them; he wanted to know about this mystery too. The group came to an area where a cave stood, thanks to remembering where the blue flash came. Suddenly it began to rain really hard and everyone ran to the cave for cover. As soon they entered the cave they saw a green light coming from the end of a path. "The legend states the strange blue light comes forth from the green cave" said Conway. "Then let's go take a look at that green cave" said Ash. Everyone walked to the green cave and there was a lake in the middle of the cave area.Just then everyone saw a blue light moving about in the lake. "Pikachu, Growlithe, Piplup don't look at that lake" said Ash. The three pokemon turned away at once. "What on earth is that?" said Dawn. Before Dawn's question could be answered a big fish jumped out of water and back in again. It was a dark green and light green fish with big scales and tail. "That's a Lumineon" said Brock.Conway, being clever clogs, explained the pokemon: Lumineon, the Neon Pokémon. The evolved form of Finneon. It lives on the deep-sea floor. It attracts prey by flashing the patterns on its four tail fins. "So my Finneon will evolve to that huh?" said Tomo. "It's such a beautiful pokemon" said Angie. "Wait a minute though," said Ash "if Lumineon live in the ocean, why is there one living in the cave then?" That was a good question. Suddenly everyone saw Shinx; it had been in a trance thanks to Lumineon. Angie ran to Shinx and snapped it out of the trance. Brock suggested they stay and find out more about this Lumineon and do a report about it. The others agreed and Conway wanted to find out about it too. Just then they saw Lumineon eating some seaweed on a rock. "That seaweed is a water pokemon's favourite food," said Brock "Lumineon probably comes here to eat it" said Brock. "But how does it get into this cave?" asked Dawn. As soon as Dawn said that, Lumineon dived back into the water and didn't come out again. "Where'd it go?" asked Angie. Ash released his Buizel and together they searched the lake to see if Lumineon was still there, but it wasn't. But they noticed a tunnel and Ash told the others about it. "I get it," said Brock "that tunnel must be connected to an ocean somewhere from here. And Lumineon must use that tunnel to get into this cave to eat the seaweed and use it again to go back to where it lives in the ocean". It all made sense now. Since the mystery was now solved it was time for the group to get back to the academy to give their report on Lumineon. The rain had stopped by now. After the group got back to the academy, Ash, Brock, Dawn, Tomo and Angie told everyone about what had happened with Lumineon and they gave a report about what they found out about it and showed a drawing of it. Prof Rowan was impressed by that report and gave them 10 points. But because they broke the rule of leaving the lake area they had 4 points deducted and had to clean the hallway too. Conway also had four points deducted. Despite the group needed to save Shinx, this didn't change the fact they left the lake without permission. So by now the points were the blue team still in first place with 230 points, the red team still in second place with 190 points and the green team in third  with 150 points. Prof Rowan stared at the location where Lumineon had been; it seemed he knew about that Lumineon as well."It's a shame we had four points deducted from us even though we only broke the rules to save Shinx" said Ash. "Yeah but it was great to see a beautiful pokemon like Lumineon" said Dawn. "And to think my Finneon will evolve into that" said Tomo. It was true; today's activity was indeed an exciting day for the gang.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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