Chapters 46-50

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The Whirl Cup

After finally arriving at a place called Scarlet City, at Red Rock Isle, it wasn't long until the Whirl Cup completion started. There lots of posters and banners about; all telling about the Whirl Cup, and a lot of flags with the Whirl Cup symbol. Ash and Misty had to register for the preliminary rounds, which were tomorrow; otherwise they wouldn't be allowed to enter the Whirl Cup. They registered at the pokemon center and Nurse Joy explained to them that they had to win two preliminary rounds to get into the Whirl Cup competition. She also gave them a map of where the several stadiums for the preliminary rounds were, and it also showed where the whirl cup competition will be.

Ash and Misty couldn't wait and promised to meet each other in the competition. Brock was looking at the rule guide. "Listen to this," he said "the rules say that if you lost one match, you will be out of the competition". "That will not happen to us" said Misty. "Yeah we will win our two battles no sweat," said Ash "oh does it say about how many pokemon we have to choose during the Whirl Cup?" Brock looked at the rule book some more. "Well," he said "it says in the first round of the Whirl Cup competition, you only use one water pokemon, just like you do in the preliminaries. In the second and third round you use two water pokemon. And then in the semi-final and final round you use three water pokemon". "Do the pokemon you use have to be the same, through the whole competition?" asked Misty. Brock looked at the book again. "No the challengers can choose whatever water pokemon they want, as long as they have the amount of pokemon they need to use in the challenges" he said. "Hmm that's going to make it hard for me to make up my mind, because I have eleven water pokemon" said Ash. Ash's eleven water pokemon were Blastoise, Gyarados, Vaporeon, Golduck, Kingler, Omastar, Kabutops, two Lapras, Totodile and Lanturn. Even though Omastar and Kabutops were also rock type; they still counted as water type. "How are you going to choose Ash?" asked Tomo. "Well I'll stick with Totodile for the preliminary rounds tomorrow and then figure who to choose later" answered Ash. Ash then suggested that now would be the good idea for him to train his newly captured Lanturn. "Good idea," said Misty "and I will train my Corsola for a bit as well".

The gang went into the pokemon center for a bit. Ash sent his Cyndaquil to Prof Oak for Lanturn. After Ash did that, Misty asked Ash if she could burrow his king's rock for a bit. "Are you going to evolve your two Poliwhirls into Politoeds now?" asked Ash. "Yes, it is time now," said Misty "question is though, who should I mock trade with to get my Poliwhirls to evolve?" Just then a boy, at Misty's age, came up to Misty, and said that he would mock trade with her. The boy's name was Luke and he wanted to evolve his Seadra into a Kingdra and his Poliwhirl into a Politoed. Misty agreed, and so she and Luke headed over two the trading machine. Ash, Tomo and Brock headed over too, because they wanted to watch the trading.

Misty placed both her king's rock and Ash's king's rock onto her two Poliwhirls. Luke's Poliwhirl had a king's rock too and his Seadra was holding a dragon scale. The dragon scale was a blue and yellow scale, which was needed to make Seadra evolve into Kingdra. Soon the trading took place and Misty and Luke sent out the pokemon. Everyone stared in amazement as the three Poliwhirls evolved into Politoeds and the Seadra evolved into Kingdra. "I find the different types of pokemon evolution amazing" said Ash. "So do I" said Tomo. Misty and Luke traded back their pokemon and thanked each other. Misty gave Ash back his king's rock and placed her own king's rock back into her back pack.

With everything now settled, the gang headed off to the ocean, so that Ash and Misty could train their water pokemon for a bit. Misty checked her five water pokemon; Staryu, Corsola, two Politoeds and Croconaw, to see if they were okay. Then it was time for training. Ash had his Totodile practice his egg move dragon claw, and had his Lanturn practice her egg move agility. Misty checked all of her pokemon moves. Apparently her two Politoeds had learnt two new moves; bounce and hyper voice. Ash and Misty went on training their water pokemon and talked about the Whirl cup until it was time for bed. "The preliminary rounds will be a piece of cake tomorrow" said Ash. Misty agreed.

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