Chapter 131-135

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Chapter 131

Jessie remembers,

Sho, the electric trainer

And Meeting Wallace

One day Jessie and James were picking berries with Meowth. "We sure are lucky to have found these berry bushes" said Meowth. "Best part is no one, not even a wild pokemon, is here to stop us" said James. "You said it" smiled Meowth. Just then they heard humming from James's Chimecho and three pokemon that looked like shrine bells. These pokemon were called Chinglings and they were the pre-evolved form of Chimecho. "The Chinglings and Chimecho make a real good harmony together" said Meowth, who was listening. "This beautiful harmony is what helped me get those Chinglings" smiled James(Flashback)James and Chimecho were spending time together and James was happily listening to Chimecho's humming. Suddenly somebody started humming along to Chimecho's humming. "I wonder what that sound is?" said James. He and Chimecho followed the sounds of the humming, and there they found three wild Chinglings humming together in harmony. James found out what they were and also found out they were the pre-evolved form of Chimecho. He also fell in love with them at once and caught them.(Flashback ends)"What luck you caught three Chinglings at once" said Meowth. "Yes and I couldn't be anymore happier.Jessie was busy with picking berries when suddenly she heard a splash. "What was that?" she said. "What was what?" asked James. Just then they all heard a splash. "Somebody must be swimming," said Meowth "might be a water type pokemon". The trio went to see what the splash was about.The splash turned out to be a woman about Jessie's age throwing stones in a lake. "She looks worried about something" said James. Jessie went over to the woman. "You look like something is on your mind there" she said. "There is and I don't know what to do about it" said the woman. The woman's name was Diana and she told Jessie her trouble. Apparently Diana met a man named Ethan and they fell in love with each other. But Ethan was going back to Johto, where he came from. "He asked me to go with him," said Diana "but I don't know if I can leave my home". It was then that Jessie started having a memory, a memory about a boy asking her to come with him. "You should go with him," said Jessie, suddenly, "if you don't go with him you'll end up regretting it afterwards. I know because I went through something like this when I was a child".Jessie's story was when she was a child of about ten years old she had a crush on a boy named Astin. One day Astin was leaving to become a pokemon coordinator and he asked Jessie to go with him. But Jessie refused because at that time she was taking an audition for a theatre. So Astin left and Jessie had to say goodbye to him. "Did you win at your audition?" Diana asked Jessie. "No my friends did instead," said Jessie, sadly, "and I've regretted of never going with Astin, especially since I never saw him again after that. That was my only chance of obtaining happiness and I blew it. So Diana it is best you go with Ethan or you'll make the same mistake I did". Diana looked sadly at Jessie and stayed silent for a moment. "I will go," she said at last "I will go with Ethan". "That's the spirit," said Jessie "go and find happiness with him and don't make any regrets". Diana thanked Jessie and hoped she will find happiness too. Then Diana left.Jessie felt a bit good with herself for helping Diana not make the same mistake she did with Astin. "Hey Jessie," said Meowth "have you never really seen this Astin kid again?" "No I haven't," said Jessie "I found out some time ago that he became a great pokemon coordinator and he is now happily living with his new wife and child. So Astin is happy with his life". James and Meowth felt sorry for Jessie because of her troubled childhood. "Chin up," said James "we'll both find new happiness in the future I know we will. So we can't let our sad pasts get us down". Jessie and Meowth looked at James in amazement. "I believe you're right James," said Meowth "let's all find happiness". Jessie agreed.Despite going through a depressing life now, Jessie, James and Meowth agreed to find happiness again.

One day the gang were having lunch, when suddenly Piplup dropped a bit of his food and it rolled away. Piplup chased after it, but a Pichu found it and ate it. That made Piplup angry at the Pichu. Pikachu stepped in to stop Piplup. Seeing Pikachu made Pichu call out. It seems Pichu had a trainer; a boy about a year older than Dawn. "Good work Pichu you found a Pikachu" said the trainer.Just then Ash and Dawn turned up. "What did I say about going too far from us?" said Dawn. "Back off all of you that Pikachu is mine to catch" said the trainer. "What?" said Ash. Before Ash could say anything the boy sent out a Raichu and ordered it to use iron tail. Ash ordered Pikachu to use iron tail too and the attacks collided with each other. "That Pikachu is no untamed pokemon with that power" said the boy. "Of course not!" shouted Ash "Pikachu is my pokemon! Now that was the idea of attack him?!" The boy's name was Sho and he was an electric pokemon trainer. He wanted a Pikachu because he wanted a full-power evolution set of the Pichu line. He had Pichu and Raichu, just needed a Pikachu. Sho offered Ash to trade his Pikachu for a Mareep, Magneton or Magnemite, but of course Ash refused. He wouldn't give up Pikachu for any pokemon, besides he already had Ampharos and Magnezone. If you don't want to trade then let's do this;" said Sho "you and I will have a battle, my Raichu vs your Pikachu. If I win then Pikachu is mine". "What?!" gasped Dawn. She didn't like the sound of this. "Very well," said Ash "but if I win I keep Pikachu and you go off to find your own Pikachu". Sho agreed.Ash and Sho got ready to battle. "Brock, Tomo I don't like this;" said Dawn "especially since Ash will have to give Pikachu to Sho if he loses". "There is no need to worry," said Brock "Ash and Pikachu have battle electric type pokemon together before, including Raichus. Ash knows what to do when it comes to Pikachu versing a Raichu". Dawn hoped that Ash did know what to do. Unbeknown to the gang somebody was also going to watch the battle. It was Paul. Paul was in the area and he just witnessed Sho wanting to battle Ash for his Pikachu. So Paul was going to see what Pikachu can do against a Raichu.Ash started off by telling Pikachu to use swift and Raichu got hit by the stars. "Not bad," said Sho "but check this. Raichu use your thunderbolt". "Oh no" said Dawn, worriedly. She figured that Raichu's thunder bolt attack would be more powerful than Pikachu's. But Ash wasn't worried. "Pikachu use your tail" he said. Pikachu made his tail glow like he was about to use iron tail and Pikachu didn't get a lot of damage when Raichu's thunder bolt attack hit him. "What the?" gasped Sho. He never saw anything like that before. Dawn was surprised with what happed too. "That Dawn was a trick that Ash learnt in Fortree City in Hoenn," said Brock "a Pelipper used steel wing when Ash's Manectric used thunderbolt on it. But the steel wing attacked as a lightning rod and Pelipper didn't get a lot of damage than it normally would". Dawn wondered what else Ash's Pikachu could do. "Alright then Raichu show that Pikachu your slam attack" said Sho. Raichu charged towards Pikachu to slam him with its head. "Jump Pikachu" said Ash. Pikachu used his tail as a springboard to jump out of the way before Raichu could hit him. "Wow look at that" said Dawn. To Dawn Pikachu's move was like he used bounce. "Okay Pikachu it's time for hidden power" said Ash. Pikachu fired a hidden power attack and it hit Raichu. Because Pikachu's hidden power move was ground type, it was super effective on Raichu. Sho wasn't giving up though and he told Raichu to use thunder. "Pikachu use protect" said Ash. Pikachu protected himself from the thunder attack with protect. "See how you will deal with this then, Raichu hyper beam" said Sho. Raichu fired a hyper beam attack, but Pikachu used dig to dodge the attack. "Do excuse me," said Dawn "but this battle is scaring me". "It's as I said Dawn; Pikachu and Ash know how to deal with Raichu," said Brock "and you better keep watching this because there may be times when Piplup will battle an Empoleon again in the future. Dawn remembered Piplup battling Empoleon in Alamos Town, but it wasn't intense like this. Since Raichu used hyper beam it had to recharge before it could use another move. "Okay Pikachu it's time to let Raichu have it" said Ash. Pikachu came out of the ground and as quick as a flash he wrapped his tail around Raichu's tail. "Do it Pikachu" said Ash. Pikachu spun Raichu round and round by the tail and slammed Raichu hard on the ground. Sho was surprised with what Pikachu just did; he had never seen a Pikachu do that before. "How the hell did your Pikachu do that?" he said. "It's thanks to all the training and battles Pikachu and I have done together over our journeys" said Ash. He ordered Pikachu to use volt tackle and Sho ordered Raichu to do the same. The two electric pokemon collided with each other, causing an explosion, and they both got flown back. But both Pikachu and Raichu were still standing. "Raichu end this now with hyper beam again" said Sho. Raichu fired another hyper beam towards Pikachu, but Pikachu managed to dodge it just before the attack could hit him. Then Ash ordered Pikachu to use hidden power. Raichu got hit by the hidden power attack and by now it was starting to get exhausted. "Pikachu let's go in with iron tail" said Ash. Pikachu charged towards Raichu, and Raichu charged towards Pikachu to use iron tail as well. But Pikachu jumped high to dodge Raichu and then he wacked Raichu hard with iron tail, and then he slammed into Raichu. Raichu couldn't take anymore after that and fainted. Ash had won and of course he would keep Pikachu. Sho and his Pichu couldn't believe that Raichu got defeated by a Pikachu.When the battle was over everyone went to the pokemon center and Pikachu and Raichu got healed up by Nurse Joy. Sho spoke to Ash. "With all that power that Pikachu had, I can't believe you haven't evolved it to Raichu, I mean it will have more power than it already has if you evolve it". "That's because Sho my Pikachu doesn't want to evolve and I respect his decision," said Ash "there may be many things that Pikachu would be only able to do if he was a Raichu. But the five long journeys Pikachu and I went through together had taught us many, many things. And we had picked up many battle styles as what you saw in our battle. When you get your own Pikachu and train it you will understand then". Sho could see that was defeated; not just by the battle, but also Ash's words.After Pikachu and Raichu were all well again, Sho left with his pokemon to look for Raichu and the gang left for Pastoria City.What no one knew was Paul had seen the whole battle and had followed them back to the pokemon center. Of course he thought it as pathetic that Pikachu didn't want to evolve ever, but he was a little bit impressed of how Pikachu did while Battling Raichu. Then he left for his next destination.

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