• ━ • 14: Botany • ━ •

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Your pov

  While I was teaching Ciana, I suppose she was the school's Princess. But, her, supposedly "fiance" is so annoying! For whatever reason, he felt the need to try correcting me, and inserting himself, saying that he was Ciana's husband or whatever.

  In any case, it seemed that Ciana had trouble differentiating certain plants and roots. They were slightly uncommon, so I understood her troubles. But... her fiance's inputs were nothing helpful. He too had trouble separating Darkwood from Venomsnap, Lotusweb, and Aca. All were poisonous plants, but had different properties and uses.

"Darkwood is a plant commonly used to create antidotes, but Venomsnap is commonly used for poisons. Lethal poisons." I said, somehow having to teach essentially another person on Botany since he refused to leave. Meanwhile, Ciana carefully took notes, and would occasionally ask questions about the differences and their uses. 

"So what is Lotusweb used for?" Ciana inquired.

"Fabrics, obviously. Stuff that peasants could only dream of!" her fiance said hotly. 

"...Pigments, you mean." I sighed at his attitude, obviously, his insults were directed towards me, but he's so childish. "But yes, one usage is fabrics, that are a bit pricey. But Lotusweb is typically used for it's black, white, pink, purple, yellow, and pale green pigments. When burned into ash, Lotusweb ash is used in a variety of things, one being ink. Hmm, hold, I could probably create a small sample for you to use." I said, thinking of how the calculation would go. Since I would have to turn paper ash into Lotusweb ash, I would need a few plants and manipulate it, add water...

"Don't Lotusweb grow in the Eastern continent?" Ciana inquired.

"Yes, but with a complex calculation, I can make a small sample from paper ash. I guess, makeshift alchemy." Thinking about it a little, I glanced at her fiance thoughtfully. 

"Unless someone could obtain this plant easily, then it'll shorten the process," I said.

"I'm not helping-" He was cut off, as Ciana began to weep, I could tell right away those tears were fake. Although, no one else thought so.

"B-but I-I thought you could obtain anything?" she asked innocently. God, that voice does not sound like Ciana at all, but upon being glared at by everyone for making their princess cry. Her fiance tried calming her down and said he would be back in an hour. He glared at me, but I just smiled back, making him embarrassed as he stormed out of the library. The moment he was gone, Ciana acted as if she didn't put up a show. Slightly frightening.

"Ah, sorry you had to witness that. Tristian is just so..., anyways now that he's gone for an hour, could you tell me about the book you were translating?" Ciana inquired. Hanami hopped over, the three staring at Ciana curiously. They probably heard Ciana "crying", because they tried comforting her. Ah, well, that's out of my control. Ciana smiled at them, and to anyone else, it would seem that my familiar was comforting her... god I can't wait for the rumors to spread about us. 

"They weren't all that interesting, the one about Botany was about Mintweed, Forestcross, sort of the more unusual plants, who's knowledge was lost in time. But Ismene thinks that by translating the book, it'll expand the Alchemy field tenfold." I answered, yet she seemed interested in hearing more. 

"That's great then! My Father, as you probably know as Professor Slain, who's in charge of the Alchemy class, complained that it seems as if Alchemy became stagnant. Any expansion in the field will be of great use." She expressed, seeing that it was useful information for her. I went to retrieve the notebook, that had the entire translation. Duplicating it, I came the copy to her and gave the books and original notebook to Ismene. "But, what language was it in?" she inquired, tucking a hair strand behind her ear.

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