• ━ • 18: Candles • ━ •

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Your pov

"I do have to ask, Professor Slain. Why is the classroom covered in curtains? Wouldn't it pose as some kind of safety concern?" I asked, trying to look around the dark classroom. Surely whatever fabric that was used, or even the pigments must have costed a fortune to block out any ounce of light.

"It's because my dad-uh, Professor Slain, is light sensitive. Though the curtains are made out of Lotusweb that's been enchanted with fireproof spells." Ciana explained. Seeing her glance over at her father, who was deeply engrossed in the boxed lunch that I gave him. The box wasn't anything fancy, surely nowhere near as fancy or luxurious enough to cover an entire classroom in fabric. 

"Ah, also nice to see you remembered our lessons." 

"Huh? Oh, you're right! Thank you again for helping me, botany really is confusing."

"No problem! I should really get going, since I left Hanami with Damon and Ismene."

"Now wait just a moment, since you came all this way to give us this lunch. How about you stay for a bit? My daughter was about to attempting making candles. I heard from her that you've helped her greatly in this matter." Professor Slain interjected. Though I felt anxious to get back and see if Hanami was okay, I could also see that Ciana seemed rather nervous. 

"Hmm, alright. If that's okay with you, Ciana." 

"No no, I don't mind at all! Actually it would be kind of helpful to have you nearby." She confessed, which made me smile slightly. 

"Haha, alright, then I won't bother you anymore. Good luck!"

3rd pov

As (y/n) moved to the side of the classroom, making sure he wasn't in the way of anything. Though given how dark it was, he found himself standing next to Professor Slain, for had it not been the few lights present in the room. He would've mistaken him to be a statue. Unlike Ciana in many ways, Professor Slain appeared largely different from his daughter. With long black hair, and sunken brown eyes, he seemed tired, and yet had a sharpness to them that irked even (y/n). He had been observing Ciana closely, noting down her movements, what she was preparing, and her workstation.

Although the father side of him wanted to be kind to his daughter, his professor side told him to treat her the same way he does to his students. Given that she had failed many times over, and yet, he had this hope that she'd succeed. Partially, due to the fact that he still has yet to gauge the limit that (y/n) can preform. For being an interesting outlier that has nearly flipped the school on it's head, he was more than casually interested in what this bright student could do.

Ciana's Pov

Ahh I'm so nervous, like sure I've done this in the past, but like why does my dad have to constantly watch me? Hmm... Although, with (y/n) here, it does feel a little bit nicer to have. Alright, uhh, snap out of it, you need to focus on making candles.

Before me, I laid out what I needed, a few containers, one that was empty, and the others had different types of liquids in them. Although I could feel my hand shaking, I tried to ready myself, believing that this time it'll work. 

"Have you've finished your preparations?" I heard my dad asked, nodding, he told me I had 10 minutes exactly to create a finished product.

Holding my hand over the several bowls of the liquid, I tried recalling what (y/n) did when creating the Lotusweb ink. Though this wasn't anywhere similar, and I'm starting to regret not asking (y/n) for an example. I tried following what he did, adding the ingredients slowly and one after another. Waiting a bit for each one to meddle with each other, stablizing. Before adding another ingredient.

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