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Just a day was left before the highly anticipated competition was about to begin. There were some hints and rumors about what the competition would be about, but most of the information was unknown. Whether it was the school's intent on keeping the students in the dark, or to amp up the interest. Regardless, many students were looking forward to the upcoming event, especially, since it felt like a lot of important, or highly influential people had their eyes on (y/n). So if they could befriend him, it might mean being able to get unique opportunities that they otherwise might've not gotten.

The hype continued, until news of a new student started circulating around the school. They appeared to be quite high profiled, enough for most of the A rank students to be interested in them. Speculations were made about them being foreign royalty, though that would be absurd since most royals were forbidden to use magic. Yet that didn't stop from the rumors to continue to spread. Yet, among the discussions, there were those who were glad that everyone was too busy to obsess about other matters.

Those being Ciana, Tristian, Damon, and (y/n) especially. The constant focus, while the others found it fine for the most part, (y/n) disliked it. It was slightly annoying having to deal with, and while he would normally put up a barrier to cancel out the noise. There were times he craved being able to exist somewhere, and not have someone bother him or hear gossip. 

Your Pov

Hmm, I don't have that many coins left... 5 silvers and 2 coppers aren't going to be nearly enough, not by a long shot if I need to expand this place to fit who knows how many more people. Ugh...

"Damon why did you have to switch dormitories? And also why did you have to install columns of pure Oceanica?" I whined. "Like not only do you salivate over the mere thought of having everyone's attention, you just HAD to make this place out of one of the most painfully expensive materials in the world." 

"Wow, someone sure is complaining a lot today, what happened?" 

"Ugh... The headmaster informed me that the top 3 students who rank in the competition will have their rooms relocated here. The problem is-and something I tried reasoning with him-is the fact this cave is barely large enough with the expansions you were able to do using Oceanica. Even if it were possible, I could only imagine fitting maybe one more person here. But like 3 is pushing it!" I said, flopping onto the ground. Since Ichigo was nearby, I moved him closer to me, snuggling with him. The light scent of strawberries comforted me, though this matter was still stressful to think about.

"I could just get some more, I did create the company that produces it, y'know?"

"WAIT, SINCE WHEN?" I exclaimed at this utterly shocking news that Damon just nonchalantly said, like it was nothing. 

"Hmm... Since I was 10? How do you not know this? We've been friends for how many years!"

"I-I-I I knew you were from an esteem line of mages, and being a noble and all. But like- Oceanica is expensive! Like how was I supposed to know my friend was a business prodigy ever since he was a child?" 

"So now that you know, are you going to ask me for money? Not that I don't mind, but just wondering what your stance on that is. Though it won't be entirely for free~" He said, smirking slightly.

"No, thanks... I feel slightly nauseous knowing that someone I had kissed, and had bought stuff with my limited funds in the past, just has an unlimited amount of money just sitting somewhere..."

Dango: Male Reader x Ocs 🍡 [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now