• ━ • 15: Spring Rolls • ━ •

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Tristian and Damon knew of each other well, it was hard not to hear something about each other. However, due to Damon's active ability: Steal, which caused people to pay attention to him, Damon's mood only soured more. He had thought that he could have (y/n) to himself since this "palace" was theirs. But seeing that these two weren't planning on leaving anytime soon, he made sure to put down some ground rules. 

  Unlike most of the others at school, Ciana wasn't entirely affected by Damon's special ability, she did find some liking towards him. But it wasn't to the point where Damon needed a restraining order against her. For Tristian however, very much admired Damon, who from a young age had the ability to achieve impossible feats in business. 

  This further made Tristian dislike (y/n), who had now taken both his "wife" and Damon's attention from him. But while Tristian was conversing with Damon, Ciana went to find (y/n), who had disappeared somewhere in the massive palace. Although it was very empty, hollow, and very cold, the room that (y/n) had entered was filled with warmth, and the flames looming above made the place feel homey. Unlike a typical palace, the dining room and kitchen were fused into one, and yet it was very pretty to observe. 

  Walking up to the tall glass windows, Ciana observed the craftsmanship of it, although it was nothing she had seen before. The windows perfectly showed the campus, revealing to her that this entire room was created from magic. Being that nothing about this palace could be seen from the outside, she assumed that (y/n) was the inventor of this room. It certainly didn't match the palace hallways, having a much lower ceiling, and more of a homey, lower-class feeling. 

   Although Ciana had entered without knocking, hearing sounds from the kitchen, drew her attention. Recognizing that (y/n) was cutting up ingredients to fine slices, she saw what seemed to be a colorful array of vegetables before him. Using what seemed to be paper made from crystal, he wrapped the vegetables with clear noodles, pairing it with a strange, brown nutty sauce. Although the sauce seemed a bit greasy to Ciana, for once she was intrigued to try a dish that she hadn't encountered, especially one that was made from only vegetables and translucent noodles and a crystal-like wrap.

"Do you need any help?" Ciana asked, having watched (y/n) prepare this mysterious dish before her, for the past 5 minutes. 

"Ah, yes, if you could, just set up the table. There should be enough plates and cups in the cupboard to the left. Also, could you ask the others what drinks they would like?" (y/n) asked. Ciana nodded, stepping outside the dining area into the "foyer" where Tristian and Damon were. 

Ciana's pov

"Sorry for interrupting, but (y/n) wants to know what drinks you two want," I said, intruding in on their conversation. Damon was obviously annoyed by Tristian, who I had heard was one of Damon's fans, having wanted to make a connection with him for a long time. Their current conversation, before I had interrupted, was on how Damon met or even came into contact with (y/n). While I only heard the last few moments of what Damon had said, it seemed clear that there were a lot of holes in his answer. 

  Tristian only just noticed me-Honestly this just further confirms my suspicion that I should hang around Damon and (y/n) more-, maybe I'll enter that competition. Apparently, the winner of the said competition will get to move into this dorm permanently, which I find not a bad choice. Although, the competition was created by the students, and it doesn't seem like (y/n) or Damon was in charge of it. But the headmaster and any of the teachers also have said anything about it, so... I'm not sure. Anyways, Tristian had only just noticed me and asked where I was. Ignoring his question, I asked them what they would like to drink.

"Just coffee for me, (y/n)'s coffee is always the best!" He said, looking at him strangely. I told him it was barely the afternoon. 

"So? It's such a good pick-me-up!" He smiled. Ah, well I'll take his word for it, then. Turning my attention to Tristian, who smiled upon receiving my attention, he said his normal pretentious answer. 

Dango: Male Reader x Ocs 🍡 [Discontinued]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant