Chapter 24

351 7 13

Rosa Pov:

Were back in LA and Edwin let others know that I would be saying at their house for a while so guess who's staying in their old room. I went downstairs to grab something to drink and I saw a bottle and looked at it. I was really hesitating at first but I just grabbed it and booked it to my room. I mean I'm home alone so I'm fine.

A few hours the liquor started to hit me. I realize someone was knocking on my bedroom door and opened it. I thought I was home alone but looks like Nick was here too well fuck

When I opened the door I walked back to my bed and let him follow

"What do you want Mara"

"I was just checking to see if you were hungry but never mind" he scan the room and saw the bottle and shook his head "really you drank a whole bottle by yourself?"

I shrugged and didn't answer him

"Oops" I laughed

"I thought you were gonna quit"

"Hey when it calls it calls okay so you can excuse yourself out of here thank you very much"

He rolled his eyes at me and close my door. After 15 minutes later I started to get hungry I got up and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed something to eat and tripped and fell and broke the glass plate. I heard Nick coming downstairs and helped me get up and took me to the bathroom I didn't realize the glass ended up cutting my arm. I'm so drunk I didn't even feel it. While he was cleaning up my arm I could tell he was already frustrated with me. Even though I'm drunk but I couldn't help but smile at him

"Stop that" he says while finishing it up

"Don't know what your talking about but I can't feel a damn thing and probably won't remember this Tomorrow" I laughed idk why I keep on laughing

"Come on let me help you get to bed so you don't trip and fall and actually break your body" he helped me get to my room and I laid down. When nick open up the door I turned around to look at him "umm thank you I guess"

He nodded and close the door behind him when he got out.


The next day

I woke up and got ready for the day. I went downstairs to see everybody in the dinning room eating breakfast. I sat next to Zion and put my head down.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Zion asked me

"Not really hungry"

"Okay well what's the plan for the day?" Edwin asked

"I need to go shopping since I couldn't get the rest of my stuff" I tell him

"Ehh I don't wanna go" Edwin shrugged

"Yeah me neither" Zion added

I stayed silent and got on my phone while the boys ate breakfast until they were all done. I wasn't in the mood to be hanging out with them so I went back to my room watching a movie on my laptop.

I heard my phone going off so I picked it up and saw I got a message


If you have to go shopping I
could take you if you want?
If you don't mind

Can you? I'm starting to
Get tired of wearing the clothes
that I brought 🙄 I honestly
didn't even know I wasn't
allowed to go back home to
get the rest of my stuff

I mean hey I don't blame you
but you could always borrow
a hoodie or whatever

Wow you never let me go to your
closet before cause you always
thought I was gonna take all
of your hoodies I feel so honored 😅

That's because you took one of
my hoodie before and never
gave it back 😐 I haven't seen
that in years.

No but really though what time
do you wanna go? So I could get ready

Uhh I could get ready right
now so like maybe an hour?

Okay bet


I left him on read and started to get ready. About an hour later we both left and headed to the mall. The first store that I wanted to stop was Urban outfitters. I picked some outfits out as well. While walking around I realized nick was sitting down waiting for me. Yeah i take the longest when I shop that's why Edwin doesn't go shopping with me no more. I paid and started to walk up to him and waited till he notice I was standing right in front of me which he did

"Are you done? I'm getting hungry" he got up. I nodded. We both walked out and started to head to the car. We got in and drove off to one of our favorite place to eat which is right by the beach. We ordered and waited till they brought out our food. I was looking at the window admiring how beautiful the view looked

"Hey I've been meaning to ask how are you holding up?" Nick asked me which I found it weird since we haven't talked to each other in a while

"I'm alright I guess" I shrugged

"But are you though?" He asked again

I shook my head "honestly I'm just tired emotionally like I'm literally so exhausted. Tired of everything"

"If you just need to let out what your feeling and don't want me saying anything I can do that but if you also want a advice I can do that too. Yeah we ended pretty bad but that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop caring about you"

"Thank you but I don't wanna talk about it for now" I smiled at him and he smiled back in return

Few moments later the food arrived. We ate and went back home and just went on with our life



I hate this chapter but I needed to update so sorry if this sucked lol

I made a new book if you guys wanna read it it's called "you got me? -Zion Kuwonu / Y/n" honestly I don't even know what's it gonna be about so I'm just writing whatever comes to mind

Also I deleted my insta account @ prettyxmuch2018 since I barely get on it

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