Chapter 25

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Rosa Pov:

I was in the living room watching tv while Zion was sitting on the other couch. Nick decided to join us and sat next to me. I wasn't paying that much attention to the Tv I was just on my phone. I went to the kitchen to grab a snack and went to my room. I heard my phone going off meaning I got a message. I check to see who it was and it was Nick.

Nicholas 🦈:

Nicholas 🦈:
Wanna go to the beach later to
watch the sunset?

I'm down if you promise to buy
Me food (:

Nicholas 🦈:
Didn't you just ate? Nvm you and
Zion stay eating like every other hour

It's called the munchies if you didn't know

Nicholas 🦈:
Yeah yeah whatever well I'm go run
Some errands and come back to get ready



I put my phone down and took a shower. When I got out the shower I got ready and put my hair up in a bun.

When I checked the time it's gonna be a while till Nick gets back so I'm just gonna take a nap. Is it weird that I agreed on going with him? Who cares honestly even if we don't get back together but I'll rather have us on good terms then having to move away again.

A few hours pass by I finally got up even though I wanted to stay in bed all day. I put on my slides and head downstairs to see all the boys working on their music. I quickly went to the kitchen to grab a drink and saw Nick walked in.

"You ready to go?" He asked me and I nodded

He grabbed his keys and wallet and told Edwin that I'll be back. Surprisingly he wasn't weirded out all he want for us to be good. Nick first stopped by at Chick-fil-A and bought us some food. After that we went to the beach. We paid for our parking and parked the car. I got out grabbing our drinks and Nick grabbed our food and a blanket so we can lay on the sand.

We found a good spot to watch the view and sat down. I grabbed some fries and admired the way the beach was flowing the sky was like pink and orange type. Never would I thought I was going to move out here. Honestly I thought I was gonna stay in New York for the rest of my life. I didn't realize I was deep in my thoughts that Nick has been trying to get my attention for the past 5 minutes.

"Huh I'm sorry you said what" I looked at him

He laughed and smiled "You and Zion are definitely bestfriends" Zion always get lost in his thoughts and we just normally let him until he come back in real life. Sure he got a mouth that sometimes half of the things he say is irrelevant and he shouldn't be saying but once you hear Zion talk about what actually goes on his mind will actually shock you.

"How come you wanted me to join you at the beach if you don't mind me asking" I asked him waiting for a response

"I'm sorry for hurting you even though I made a promise I wasn't going to but instead I did the opposite and I'm so sorry I understand if you don't wanna forgive me but I just wanna make things right I was hoping if we could be friends again" when he asked me that I wasn't surprised but I could he was nervous asking cause I mean I got anger issues and I blame it on Edwin lol nah I'm just kidding but really though I actually do miss having Nick around

"Maybe being in a relationship isn't the best time right now there's always something getting in between like Ricky and your ex gf I forgot her name but other than that we always have an issue about each other and if we want this to work then it's gonna take some time but for now I'll rather have you as a friend instead of risking to lose you again" I smiled

"I'd like that maybe I can join your little trio with Edwin and Zion" he joked around and I shook my head

"Trust me you don't want it's mostly me being their wing woman so they could get at girls at parties and I'm tired of it" I laughed

"Oh really? So you haven't got any guys number" he raised his eyebrows and laughed

I laughed at his comment "nope it's better for me to focus on myself and maybe become sober" I shrugged "all I was known for was alcohol and drugs and I don't want that in my life anymore I wanna become better"

He grabbed my hand "if you do decide I'll be there every step of the way I know how bad it used to be but I'll always be here for you and I mean that"

I couldn't help but smiled at him. I laid my head on his shoulder and watched the amazing view. In order for me to become fully sober I might have to do rehab I don't know how Edwins gonna take it. Before leaving to LA I would drug myself up and go home not remembering a damn thing. It's a good thing that I wanna change. I just hope that I'll have every person that I love to be there when I get out. I miss my little siblings and my mom I can't forgive myself for always trying to fight them. I wasn't sober at the time but I realized my mistakes and trying to make it up as I go. My family have forgived me for my mistakes but I can't seem to let it go. Well here comes the new and sober Rosa.


A/n okay I think I'm just gonna end it right here. It wasn't a long story but thank you guys for supporting my book. It really means a lot. I do hope that you guys are safe during this time. If you guys wanna check out my new book that would be great you don't have to but if you want to lol. Umm thank you once again and please be safe out there! Love you guys 💖💖

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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