First Day Of Tour!!

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Rosa POV:
You all woke up at 3am except Nick so you decided to go wake him up. "Nick wake up" you said. " no leave me alone" he said. "Fine I ain't gonna give you a kiss" you gave him a smirk. "I'm up I'm up where's my kiss" Nick says and you just laughed and walked away.

You were laughing while walking down the stairs. "What's so funny?" Edwin asked. "Oh umm I scared Nick and y'all should of seen his face" you said trying to save yourself before exposing to Edwin.

While you guys were on the bus and everyone one else was on their bunk sleeping. You started to scroll through twitter to see the hype for Roxy Tour but Nick messaged you

You awake?
No I'm sleeping
Thats not funny 😑
You asked so I answered
So where's my kiss ma?
Lmfao what kiss?
Oh you wanna play this game? Okay cool
Aww did somebody got booty tickled?
Booty? I mean I know you like starring at my ass
Boy go to sleep you need to go to bed 😂
I'm in the kitchen eating
Oh that was you munching? I thought it was Zion
It was him because he's here with me he said to come over here though
What if I don't want to?
Then we'll drag you out of your bunk 🤷🏻‍♂️
I'm going 🙄
*read 4:30 am*

You walked over to where they at and just see them eating. "You guys should be sleeping instead of eating" I said. "Rosa why do you have a hickey?" Zion asked. "I burned myself with the flat iron when I was doing my hair the other day" I said. "Oh does the flat iron have a name like Nicholas Carter Mara" he said. "You told him" Nick said. "Well he kind of figured it out" you said while serving your self some food.

"Y'all nasty" Zion said. I just continued eating my food. "But I won't say anything though" Zion added. "Good cause we don't know what to tell Edwin yet" Nick said. " don't worry if he sees the hickey I'll tell him that I burned myself he'll believe it cause I actually did burned myself before" I said.

You guys were chilling watching tv until y'all started to fall asleep. "I wish we can cuddle" Nick said. "Not yet Nick you know that I mean you freaking left a mark on me" I said. "Sorry I didn't mean to I just got caught up in the moment but you gotta admit that make out was hot" he said. "Ehh I had better" I tease. "Fake" he said. You just laughed and continued watching Tv but ended up falling asleep

Couple hours later

Everyone was just getting ready since we arrived at the venue but they had to do a mic check. "Good afternoon sis" Edwin said. "It's not morning?" I asked. "No we tried to wake you up but you didn't even wake up what time did you slept?" He said. "Umm at 6 I think" I said a little bit confused. "Nick saved you some food but we gotta talk" he said and damn you started to panic inside. "Cuando?" I asked (when). "Now" he said. He handed you the plate of food that Nick left for you. "Rosa I know" he said

"Know about what?" I asked the most dumb question I'm about to get my ass kicked. "You and Nick" He said. Your face went completely blank. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have gone out after your friend but if I'm behind honest I haven't been this happy in a while and when im Nick he just makes me feel different" I said. "I don't care that you date him but I wanna know why you tried to hide it from me I mean I'm your big brother and we usually tell each other everything" he said. You sigh " because I thought you were gonna get mad." "But I'm not I'm actually happy for the both of you and I already told him that y'all could date but if he ever hurt you I'm coming for him" he said. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you" I gave him a big hug and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Eww get off of me" he said but laughed.

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