Chapter 3

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Gwen's perspective.

I have now driven us back. On the way back to my house, Vivian had calmed down and fallen asleep. From the reaction she had earlier, I feel as though I have to be more fragile around her. So for right now, I suppose it's best to wake her up as opposed to carrying her in.

"Vivian, we're here." I say softly to the girl in the passenger seat. I place my hand on her shoulder, just before she opens her eyes. "Hey there, sweetheart. Let's get you inside."

She nods tiredly, beginning to get out. I walk us inside and help her with her very limited items. Honestly, there's not much to help her with.

"Wow, it's so nice in here." She says, smiling slightly.

I turn around, giggling, "Yeah? You think so?"

The brunette nods, "It's so warm and calming. Such a contrast from my childhood home." She says.

"Well, I try."

Vivian giggles, following her up the cream coloured stairs to the guest bedroom on the second floor. The young girl walks in, her jaw almost dropping at the sight.

"Wow, it's such a beautiful room!"

"I'm glad you like it, but if you think this is a lot, then I'll show you my room in the morning. Which, by the way, I'm just right next door if you need anything." I explain, setting her stuff in the corner by the bed. I then walk over to Vivian, sitting on the end of the white duvet coating the bed.

"You can get under the covers, don't worry. Everything in this room is yours for the night." I tell her.

She smiles and gets under the covers, not used to the softness beneath her. Her smile grows in contentment.

"Feels like you're cuddling a big teddy bear, doesn't it? I love this duvet." I laugh, petting the duvet.

"Thank you for everything." She says all of a sudden. I look up, being caught off guard by this.

"No problem at all. Goodnight, babe." I whisper, reaching over to stroke some hairs from out of the girl's face.

"Goodnight, Gwen." Vivian instantly closes her eyes, beyond tired.

I then get up from the bed, slowly heading out of the room and turning off the lights. That's when I hear it. I know it's directed to me. I know that Vivian knows I haven't left the room completely.

"I love you," Sounds in the comfortable silence. It causes me to tear up as I stop in my tracks.

She loves me? Me? This is progress with everything regarding her issue of thinking she doesn't deserve love.

"I love you, Vi." I say before exiting to my own room. I can't stop smiling from the moment previous. I was in no way expecting that phrase to come from Vivian, but it did and now I can't stop thinking about it.

The young girl is starting to really grow on me. I feel this connection with the girl. Even when I met her at first, there was this special bond that the two of us shared. It's as if something is telling me not to let this girl walk away from me, there's a reason we ran into each other.
I knew I had to find her again and when I wasn't looking for her, that was when I found her.

I don't want Vivian to go back to living on the streets. I wish I could figure something out for her, a living situation that would benefit her. Maybe I can foster her for the time being? I don't want to scare her away so I will have to go slow with the idea and talk it out with her. But I wouldn't mind one bit to foster the sweet girl.

I sits down at my dresser, beginning to take my makeup off. With each bit that wipes off, everything that I've read today starts to come back to me. Each one of the comments left on my posts and Blake's posts. Each one of the articles I stumbled upon today accidentally. It's all hitting me like a slap in the face.

As I stare at myself in the mirror, the comments only recite in my head.


She only looks decent with all that makeup on.

She should stop trying so hard. Hasn't she heard? She's irrelevant now.

Imagine what she would look like without all that plastic surgery and makeup. I don't want to, that's for sure.

I try to shrug them off and ignore them as I move on to taking my hair out. I brush it out as more remarks circle around in my mind.

She's had her time to shine. Now it's time for her to disappear.

Go away, Gwen.

Blake doesn't deserve this woman. He's too good for this.

I sigh, not responding to the voices of the comments in my head. I know they're right to a point. I keep thinking, how can I stay relevant? I've had this career for decades longer than most singers in the public eye right now. I love what I do and I wouldn't ever want to give it up. I always thought I could look better, that I could lose a bit of weight, but what's the point? What's the point of harming myself when in the long run, no one's going to appreciate the sacrifice?

Before I ran into Vivian, my day had been crazy. I was exhausted and ready to crash, not wanting to think about anything I had heard or read about. I was surprised that I even held myself together through the whole night. But now I'm thinking about everything I've heard today.

Maybe some sleep will make me feel better.

I get from my seat and change into something more comfortable. As I pull my shirt over my head, that's when I remember that Vivian never changed into pajamas. She can't have many clothes. She can borrow mine for the time being. I would be fine with that until we can get her new clothes.

I climb under my covers, turning out the light from the lamp beside me and lastly, checking my phone. When I see a text message from Blake, I start to wishe that he could be here with me. I want to tell him all about my day before meeting Vivian again and how horrible it was shaping out to be, but I decide that I don't want to burden him with that.

Blakey | 1:40am
I love you, my princess. Text me when you get home so I know you're safe.

I smile and type back.

Gwen | 3:05am
We're both home safe. I'll talk to you in the morning, babe. Love you too.

And with that, I fall into a dreamless sleep.


I know this chapter is short, but it's intended to be shorter than the others. Throughout the story, there will be a several chapters like this showing Gwen's perspective on things.

A New PerspectiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora