Chapter 20

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Tomorrow, what was happening tomorrow? The thing all the girls wondered. Was Sooyoung just dumb and paranoid? Should Jiwoo have listened? Should Chaewon be more concerned? Should Hyejoo not be so confident? Well, they'd all find out tomorrow. 

"We don't have work tomorrow." Chaewon said, she laid in her bed and Hyejoo laid in hers, "I know you can't sleep, so maybe we can stay up together? I bet it gets a bit lonely." "You don't have to stay up, I'm fine." "I want to. Me and Jiwoo used to do it all the time," Hyejoo laughs, "Alright let's do it." Chaewon sits up, and lays down next to Hyejoo in her bed. "You don't have to-" "You didn't have to almost kiss me on the stairs, but you did. Now shut it." 

"Wow, alright then." "Hmm, so how did you end up here? That's always a fun question." "Not always so fun, uh I guess you could say I stabbed a kid?" A long pause ensues "What the fuck?" "You wanted to know." "H-how? And why?" "Well, I was really weird, my entire life, kids used to make fun of me, just like Jiwoo, not as bad." "How do you know about that?" "I could hear everything you guys said through the vents, stupid." Chaewon's eyes widen, "S-so you heard everything." "Yeah, every word. How did you think I knew about what Sooyoung thought?" Chaewon blushes slightly, "She-- She was wrong." "Still trying to deny it ey?" 

"Can we talk about something el-" "Admit it. Now." Hyejoo commands as Chaewon stumbles through different responses, "I'm gonna count to down from three, and if you don't say it by one I'm pushing you out of my bed." "What!" "Three." "This is stupid." "Two." "The fuck?" "One." Hyejoo hesitates a moment, before placing both her hands on Chaewon's back and pushing her off. Chaewon falls hard on the floor, "Ouch! That hurt!" "You pushed me down a flight of stairs I don't want to hear it." "It was an accident." "So was that." "You asshole." "Okay let me try a different approach." Hyejoo rolls over and leans over the corner of the bed, "What if I do it for you," "What?" "Look, Chae, I like you, a lot, and I don't like people at all, so this is weird. See was that so hard?" "Oh..." "Now come up here and lay with me, coward." "Do what now?" "Get your mind out of the gutter, Chaewon." 

"I'm-" "Three. Two." "Fine." Chaewon climbs back into Hyejoo's bed crossing her arms over her chest and pouting. "Quit pouting." "No..." Chaewon mumbles, "That wasn't a suggestion, princess." Chaewon nervously laughs, "Jeez you're bossy..." "I get that a lot." "I don't like it." "Well, you don't have a choice in the matter now do you?" "You're being weird again..." Hyejoo laughs, incasing Chaewon in her arms, "Hmm, sometimes I get a bit... Controlling." 

"Okay... Tell me more about the kid you stabbed." "Oh. Well, as I said kids were assholes and I had enough, so somebody grabbed my arm to call me a loser or something and I stabbed him in the cheek with a pencil. It's quite simple actually." "The voice tell you to do that?" "No, I did that on my own accord" "That doesn't make it be- You know what? Never mind." 

Hyejoo snickers, nuzzling into Chaewon's neck and closing her eyes. "Wah-" "It's a lot easier sleeping when you have someone to hold onto." "You're mood changes almost every second, what's up with that?" "Hmm I don't know, but I don't suppose you want mean Hyejoo back. So this is what you're getting." "Yeah, mean Hyejoo gets on my nerves." "Cute..." Hyejoo trails off and for the first time in what seemed like forever, she fell asleep, Chaewon falling asleep shortly after.

Chaewon was the first to wake to the slightly panicked breath near her ear. Hyejoo still held her tightly, but now squeezed a bit harder, "I-I don't want to... Go away, stop talking to me." she heard the harsh whisper come from Hyejoo's lips, "I won't do it- I won't, leave me alone." must be one of the nightmares Hyejoo was talking about. "Ow, Hye, you're crushing me." She said elbowing Hyejoo's side "N-no. That's cruel." Hyejoo's voice cracked, as the tears began to fall, and with every word she sounded more and more scared. 

Chaewon now hugged Hyejoo back, patting her hair softly, "Come on Hye, wake up, you're alright. It's okay, I promise." she cupped Hyejoo's face in her hands as she watches the girl fight with the invisible being, "Wake up, it's okay. You aren't alone Hye." Her eyes flew open as she sharply inhaled, "O-oh, I'm sorry..." she said in between gasps for air. "Don't be sorry Hyejoo, it's not your fault."

Hyejoo smiled, noticing how close Chaewon's face was to hers, in her sinister ways she decided to move a bit closer making Chaewon lurch back, Hyejoo grabbed her before she could fall off the bed though. "What was that?" Chaewon asks, "Wanted to see how you would react." "You always do that!" "Because you get so nervous, and it's really cute." "Stop flirting with me, it's too early for this bullshit." Chaewon sat up stretching her back, "It's never too early," she realized that both that neither had changed out of uniform last night, "What happened to staying up all night?" "I don't know, I felt safe or some shit?" Chaewon smiles, "Awww, you felt safe? Does somebody need to be protected." Hyejoo glares at Chaewon, "What's that, demons? You want me to grab her neck and squeeze really really hard? Will do." "Save the choking until we're actually dating jeez." 

Hyejoo coughed, not responding right away, letting the awkward feeling sink into Chaewon until she can't keep a straight face. "Wow... You really went there." Hyejoo made another painful pause watching Chaewon practically fall apart with embarrassment. "Props." "W-what?" "Good one, princess." "Thanks, I tried..." "I gotta shower, see ya later." She stood and promptly grabbed clothing from her drawers, and walks back to Chaewon, rustling her hair lightly before heading outside of the door. 

Chaewon took the opportunity to get some food, having to walk all the way to the kitchen which was pretty far away. Grabbed a granola bar, but didn't eat it before the memory of the good times she had with Jiwoo and Sooyoung. So, she slid down the wall beginning to cry, and she cried for a while, the pain in her heart hurting just as much as when they first ran off. She reached for her phone in her pocket, dialing Jiwoo's number, only to be immediately rejected, which hurt even more. Even if Jiwoo answered what would she say? What would Jiwoo have to say for herself, what would Chaewon say? 

She knew that if Jiwoo had answered she wouldn't be able to be mad, as she would have just been happy to talk to Jiwoo again. "Hey! There you are, I've been looking for y- oh..." Hyejoo began but lowering her tone now to one a bit more comforting. "I know they're assholes but I miss them, and I wish Jiwoo cared enough to even say goodbye to me, she just left. Why did she do that?" "I'm sorry Chae, I know how you feel." "You do?" 

Hyejoo sat down next to Chaewon, resting her head on the girl's shoulder. "My parents, both of them, left me at a grocery store when I was three or four, and I haven't seen them since. I used to watch all the other kids talk about mommy this daddy that, I never had that. And I used to cry when I saw kids and their parents laughing, or having fun, I had so much resentment for any sense of family. I was raised mostly by an older woman, and when she passed away, I was sent here. Not for stabbing the kid, that was unrelated." 

"Oh... Hye, I'm so sorry." "It's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore, I realized that not being raised by those people would probably be better. They weren't the best people." "You must have been so lonely, I'm only realizing that now. Being here, with no friends, and nobody to go home to. I'm so sorry." "That doesn't matter, as I said, it doesn't hurt me anymore." "I'm crying about my friends and y-" "Stop. I didn't tell you that to make you shut up, I told you that so you would understand I know what you feel, it sucks to be abandoned. Now cry, please, don't be so hard on yourself."

Hyejoo delicately pulled Chaewon into her lap, letting Chaewon rest her head on her thighs, and playing with her hair while she does so. Chaewon cried over her former friends for quite a while where Hyejoo listened, trying to soothe her to the best of her abilities. The smaller girl ran out of energy to cry, feeling a lot better than before, "Thanks Hye." "Anytime princess."

Gave yall a filler because I couldn't fit the end without more, so you thirsty hoes get some Hyewon for your time, because fan service. Anyway, get your snacks and get your tea ready. 

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