Chapter 1 [E 2021]

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[Attention! This is horrible as this is my first book, proceed with caution]

[ATTENTION 2: This is undergoing a serious reworking, get ready for it to change a bit from the original. I will be fixing grammatical errors, tense issues, spelling errors, and general bad stuff. The original book started in fall/winter of 2019, but it will now be updated two years later]

Sooyoung sat in wait for something to change for once, something to bring her excitement. She was content here but she needed more from life than just contentment.

Sooyoung spotted Jiwoo watching her again, but she didn't mind enough to call her out on it. Sooyoung thought Jiwoo's obsession and admiration for her was cute, just sometimes she didn't think for herself and just did what Sooyoung did. As soon as Jiwoo noticed Sooyoung is aware, she blushed and returned to her notebook.

"WHATCHA' THINKING ABOUT!" Chaewon pounced on an unsuspecting Sooyoung. "Gah! Chaewon stop!" Chaewon giggled maliciously and sat down next to her. "Is Jiwoo being weird again?"


"Jiwoo stop being creepy!"

"What no!" Sooyoung said underneath Chaewon's loud voice.

Jiwoo raises her eyebrow in a questioning manner, "Sorry." Sooyoung told her.

The room suddenly became cold as a visitor arrived. "Shouldn't you guys be working?" Hyeju said passing through the room, "We finished already." Chaewon lied, "You did? Really. Because last time I checked you guys pushed your work off until deadlines."

Sooyoung pointed to Jiwoo sitting on a ledge, a notebook in hand, studying intently. "What's that?" Sooyoung asked. "Writing semi-erotic stories about Sooyoung," Hyeju sneered, mentally patting herself on the back for such an epic comeback. Jiwoo's face went bright red. "What! No!"

"Wait! I wanna' see!" Chaewon snatched Jiwoo's notebook. "You aren't gonna find it in there!" "In there," Chaewon reiterated, laughing hysterically. Sooyoung laughed as she grabbed the notebook from Chaewon's hands and handed it to Jiwoo.

"I'm flattered," Sooyoung said to Jiwoo. "I don't do that!" Jiwoo whimpered, two words from crying. "This is why you get no work done," Hyeju said, her hand covering her face in second-hand embarrassment, "It's her fault!" Jiwoo and Sooyoung said in unison pointing at Chaewon, who glared in return.

"You guys are so mean!" Chaewon whined.

"And you are so annoying but we don't complain," Sooyoung said, Chaewon glared at her again and walked off, stomping her way up to her dorm. "You are just lucky the Headmistress didn't catch you goofing off like this," Hyeju said, "Well we aren't lucky because we know you are going to tell," Sooyoung pouted.

"I'm safe," Jiwoo said, only to be ignored.

"Hey, I won't tell her, but you owe me one."

"What could WE do for you?"

"We'll see."

Hyeju left like that without another word.

Jiwoo returned to her work, and Sooyoung returned to studying the ceiling. Hyeju really creeped her out, however, she doubted it was anything serious. She was just some emo wannabe.

"I promise I don't have a crush on you." Jiwoo said randomly,

"You don't have to say that Jiwoo, I don't mind if you do or don't and it doesn't make you any less to me,"

"But Chaewon makes it so embarrassing," Jiwoo said on the verge of tears again. "If it really bothers you, you can talk to her about it, she's your friend."

"I don't know... Then she'll say It's so you'll will never find out or something."

"Then she isn't a very good friend, and I get it Chaewon is one of the four people here and Hyeju is one of them, there aren't many choices for friends. But you should stand up for yourself more."

"I don't know..." Jiwoo hesitates, she opens her mouth to say more but doesn't. "Jiwoo, stop lying, I know you like me. As I said it doesn't make me think of you as weird or not my friend nothing will change, I just don't want you to lie to me."

"I'm not!" Jiwoo said, a tear rolling down her cheek. "Why do you look at me like that then? Why do you always stand up for me when Chaewon says I did something wrong? Why do you try to hide something obviously true?"

"I don't! I don't do any of those things." Jiwoo said as a tears fell down her face faster now.

"Don't cry Jiwoo I'm not accusing you, I know it's embarrassing. But I don't like being lied to." Sooyoung stood and joined Jiwoo in the windowsill cubby. She wrapped her arm around Jiwoo.

"Why would you hold me close if you know I like you?" Jiwoo said into Sooyoung's shoulder. "Because maybe..." She pauses for effect, grinning happily. "I like you too."

Jiwoo wondered if she was dreaming, "Really?" Jiwoo asks. "Maybe," Sooyoung said smiling and sliding out of the cubby, she gave Jiwoo a wink before disappearing behind the doorway.

Jiwoo's face burnt, her cheeks turned red, she was wondering if that really did happen. But she knew one thing, and one thing for sure. It was to NEVER, EVER, tell Chaewon

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