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Okay, so I've been trying to straighten out names and whatnot, as I improved my writing during the break I took from this. The pacing before was actual trash and now it's going to be better, no character goes under-utilized, and everyone is happy. This is going to end up darker than intended, and it's gonna get weird at some point I don't know.

I'm not one hundred percent sure where I'm going with this story either, I know some things I want to do, and I have an ending, but I'm not sure how to get there yet. So we'll see.

I'm also never truly happy with what I write so expect my next body of work to be a lot easier to read and enjoy because damn, this has been rough. Hopefully, I've improved in these last couple of chapters.

TLDR: Better pacing, plot, writing style, and other stuff. 

I hope you've enjoyed this story so far, and enjoy the fluff and comedy while you can because It'll get weird pretty soon, and sadly it'll come to a close soon enough. Or not? We'll see.

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