Chapter 9

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"Girls. Here are the uniforms."
Madam hands everyone the same ankle length blue dress with red and white flowers.

"What happened to Yves's face?" Gowon whispers to Chuu. "Long story..."

Yves has a slim scar on her cheek and a bruises on her face, her lip is also slightly swollen. She tries her best to cover it with makeup, but you can still see it.

"Did she get in a fight?" "I'll tell you later." Gowon nods. We all go change, "Oh my god your leg..." Gowon points to Chuu's calf. "Again long story.."

After changing they go back to their dorms. But before Chuu can reach hers, "You look beautiful." Yves says, Gripping Chuu's hand. "Thank you"

Yves slides her hand to the side of Chuu's face. She holds Chuu's face close to hers, and then lets go. She walks into Gowon and Chuu's room.

Chuu takes a second to releave the redness that has flooded her face, and joins them.

Yves is laying on Chuu's bed taking up the whole thing. Chuu reslises what Yves is doing trying to get her to kiss or cuddle her in front of Gowon and sadly to say... it's working.

"Can you move?" Chuu asks "Make me."

"Would you stop?" "Ha ha nope, it's my bed now. Unless your willing to... join me." "I beg your pardon?" Chuu's cold side is getting on Yves's nerves. Chuu sits next to Gowon, laying her head on her shoulder.

"Hey Chuu can we have a moment?" Gowon asks. Uh oh. Chuu thinks to herself.

They step out of the room.

"What was that about? Yves totally like... flirted with you. And you stood her up? And also tell me about what happened to your leg and Yves's face?"  Gowon inquires.

"Okay there is alot to say but I think Yves should be here for this."

They walk to the door and open it and Yves stumbles out. "Seriously?" Chuu asks her.


"Gowon we have to tell you something..." "yeah?" "We're dating..."

Gowon coughs. "Since when?!" "Since uhh. I don't know... like not even a month. "

"AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" Chuu nervous giggles. "There are... reasons."

"Now tell me why you both look like you've been on world star." "Uh..."

After a second of silence. "Chuu's step mom beat me up." Yves says quickly. "Uhhh what? Tell me what actually happened." "Well my dad was upset that I spent so much time at an all girls school. So he dragged me out of my loft bed, and got arrested so Yves decided to pick me up in the middle of the night away from my psycho step mom and she caught us sneaking out.. and thought we would uh... fuck or something."

...."did you?" Gowon asks timidly. "OUT OF ALL THE QUESTIONS YOU COULD HAVE ASKED WHY WOULD YOU ASK THAT?" Yves yells

"I was curious..."

Yves face palms... "I'm sorry that sounds really awful, though."

"Yves yelled at me!" Chuu says in reference to the get in the car incident.  "You loved it."

"Uhhhhh what?" Chuu asks in confusion and embarassment. "Oh yeah and I slammed Chuu's step mom's head into the metal railing."

"It was bad ass." Chuu adds. "Wow. You guys had an eventful break." "Yes... yes we did."

"She threw a plate at me, aaand instisted Yves was a whore." "Ooh yeah she would not let that go!"

"I love how yall go through the most traumatizing shit and laugh about it a week later." "Yeah it's great."

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