Chapter 11

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Yves stared at the ceiling she could no longer escape the want that came about her. She needed Chuu. She looked over at Olivia who slept soundly, she laid her feet on the floor and immediately retracted it was cold.

Just as she was about to try again Olivia moved, mumbling something. Her rambling got louder and more frightful.

Until Olivia jolted awake, crying . why was she crying? Yves though to herself.

She sighed knowing what she had to do. "Olivia, are you okay?" "I'm fine." She said with a flat tone in her voice. "Did you have a nightmare?" Yves asks. "Why do you care?" "Jeez stop being so standoff-ish. I'm just trying to help."

"I don't need your help Yves." "Fine then."

Yves waited a while until she knew Olivia was asleep to leave the room.
She assended up the stairs to Chuu's room, "Chuu." She whispers.

The moonlight shined on Chuu's face and she looked to peacefull to wake. Oh well.

She turned around to come face to face with Olivia, Yves choked back a scream. "What are you doing?" Olivia asked angrily.  "Uh..."

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